Sunday, January 6, 2008

Apaches, private land owners, prepare to fight back at Texas border

Homeland Security prepares to seize private lands in South Texas for the border wall.

Lipan Apache women and elders issue plea for help after harassment.

Homeland Security's 30-day notice expires
Monday, January 7, 2007.

Media representatives are invited to join a conference call on Monday, January 7, with Indigenous Peoples from the Texas and Arizona border.

Already, in Arizona, Tohono O'odham ancestors' graves have been dug up, O'odham ceremonial route dissected and the remote migrating path of the jaguars and other endangered species has been destroyed to build the US/Mexico border wall.

Media: To join conference call, contact in
Media contact:
Arnoldo GarciaNational Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR)
work (510) 465-1984 ext 305
cell (510) 928-0685

As a holocaust survivor said, "Always speak out so this doesn't happen to you."

Late Breaking News:
Indigenous land owners tell Homeland Security to halt the land grab

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