Monday, January 14, 2008

Responses to 'Bones of Contention' in LA Times

NAGPRA: Responses to 'Bones of Contention' in LA Times:,1,1281929.story

From Jon D. Daehnke to LA Times:
"First, thank you for your article and for bringing this issue to the attention of people in Southern California. I think that the article is overall an excellent report of the primary issues. There is, however, an error in the article relating to the status of non-recognized tribes. The article seems to insinuate that ancestral remains cannot be repatriated to non-recognized tribes. This is incorrect. There is absolutely nothing in NAGPRA that precludes the repatriation of human remains or cultural objects to non-recognized tribes and in fact repatriation to non-recognized tribes has occurred across the nation (and has been applauded by the National NAGPRA Review Committee)
Read letter:
PHOTO: A protest was held last fall at the University of California, Berkeley, over the school's storage of tribal remains. (Robert Durell/Los Angeles Times/file)

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