Sunday, January 6, 2008

Spanish: Final report of the Indigenous Peoples Border Summit of the Americas 2007

Reporte Final de la Cumbre Fronteriza de Pueblos Indígenas de Las Américas 2007 (Llevada a cabo del 7 al 10 de noviembre de 2007 en la comunidad de San Xavier, Nación Tohono O’odham, Arizona)

Final Report of the Indigenous Peoples' Border Summit of the Americas

Special thanks to El Tequio magazine for the translation. The Spanish language publication is published every three months, and is distributed in LA, San Diego, Fresno, Greenfield, California as well as the cities of Oaxaca and Mexico D.F. The magazine includes articles and features about the immigrant communities from Oaxaca living on both sides of the border. The next edition will be distributed on Jan the 20th and include excerpts from the Indigenous Border summit.

Consejo del Tratado Indígena Internacional:Nosotros, los representantes, delegados y autoridades tradicionales de Pueblos y organizaciones de 19 Naciones Indígenas, de toda la Sagrada Isla de la Tortuga, la tierra que actualmente es conocida como Las Américas, nos hemos reunido como la Segunda Cumbre Fronteriza de los Pueblos Indígenas de Las Américas, con los siguientes objetivos:Dar la oportunidad a los Pueblos Indígenas de las regiones fronterizas de intercambiar experiencias e información sobre las formas en que las fronteras internacionales afectan a sus respectivas comunidades.
Read more:
Photos: TRES AMIGOS: Tzunum from California, Pedro Sosa organizing against migrant raids in Oregon and Sebastian Quinac, Mayan Cakchiquel from Guatemala who searches for fellow Mayans at the Arizona border at the request of families, including Mayan women from Guatemala who died walking with their children in 2007 on Tohono O'odham land in Arizona. Photo 2: Delegaton of Mohawk, Oneida, Lakota, Acoma Pueblo and Navajo at the US/Mexico border on Tohono O'odham land/Photos Brenda Norrell
English version of report
Photos and more on Indigenous Border Summit website
Audio downloads of summit (some Spanish language)

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