Sunday, April 13, 2008

Arizona Republic, Worst Headline of the Day

Don't be deceived by the Arizona Republic, coal mining means the death of the Navajo people and pocket change for Navajo politicians

By Brenda Norrell

In the "Worst Headline of the Day" Department, Arizona Republic wins the prize for this one, "For Navajos, coal means survival."
This headline shows either the reporter's lack of knowledge, or the newspaper's agenda. The truth is that coal mines mean survival for tribal politicians who cut backdoor energy deals.
The revenues -- from coal mines, power plants and other destructive development destroying the sacred earth -- primarily pay the salaries and travel expenses for the 88-member Navajo Nation Council, Navajo President and staff and others in Window Rock.
Those travel expenses include Navajo Council committee meetings in Las Vegas during the National Indian Finals Rodeo and lavish hotels.
Who doesn't benefit? The Navajo people who live under the powerlines which take electricity to southern California. Most live without running water and electricity. Their children often study by lantern light at night without electricity.
Navajos live with the pollution and diseases of coal fired power plants, strewn radioactive unreclaimed uranium mine tailings and hundreds of spewing oil and gas wells. The air is dangerous to breathe in the area of the Navajos place of origin, Dinetah, in northern New Mexico.
News reporters who have never lived on the Navajo Nation with the people continue to publish these false news stories and glorify coal mining and promote the politicians who abuse their own people.
It is not only environmental racism, but racism of another type. It implies that the Navajo peoples only hope is destructive coal-fired power plants. These power plants not only poison the Navajo peoples own air, land and water, but the particles are also melting the Arctic ice and destroying the homelands of polar bear, walrus and other Arctic life. Power plants and tailpipe emmissions are the major causes of the melting Arcitc, according to scientists.
It is a win-win situation for Bush and his corporate friends, who profiteer from the power plants and are now rushing to claim the melting Northwest Passage to drill for oil and gas.
The deceptive news stories from Arizona Republic and other media benefit corporations like Sithe Global, owned primarily by Blackstone, one of the Bush family cronies and member of the Skull and Bones secret society based at Yale University.
Sithe is cutting the deal with Navajos for the proposed Desert Rock Power Plant, under protest by elderly Navajos on the land, at Dooda (NO) Desert Rock.
Skull and Bones seeks world domination through political power and financial dominion. The production of the first atomic bomb was controlled by members of this secret society, according to the research in "Secrets of the Tomb," by Alexandra Robbins.
Grandfather Prescott Bush dug up Geronimo's skull, according to Skull and Bones own log.
Then, Bush family members and a Skull and Bones attorney attempted to return a skull to a delegation from San Carlos Apache Tribal Council in the 1980s, but they rejected it, since it was the skull of a child, according to San Carlos Apache Raleigh Thompson who served on the council and was part of the delegation to New York.
Don't be deceived by the Arizona Republic and its claims that coal mines are the savior of the Navajo people.
Coal mines are the death of Navajo people and pocket change for Navajo politicians.

(Photo: San Juan Power Plant. The San Juan Power Plant and Four Corners Power Plant are the two existing power plants on Navajo Nation land in the Four Corners area near Farmington, NM. It is the same area where the proposed Desert Rock Power Plant would be built. The sacred place of Navajo origin, Dinetah, is also in this region. )

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