Monday, September 1, 2008

Call for help: Six Nations under attack

Canadian police attack on unsurrendered Native land

Call to help 519-717-7043; 519-717-7099
Mohawk Nation News

Sept. 1, 2008. THIS IS A CALL FOR HELP. Three people are in jail. Five more are surrounded by cops. They need support and supplies. Directions: Take #403 to Brantford, exit at Oak Park Road, turn left at the T Junction; take the first right onto Fen Ridge; the site is across from the Proctor & Gamble distribution facility.
The OPP have created chaos at Six Nations – Again! Suddenly yesterday, on Sunday August 31, 2008, reports starting coming to MNN about harassments and arrests. Highway 6 was blocked. People are being stopped from going to their homes in the Six Nation communities by the Caledonians and the OPP. Everyone’s worried because school starts tomorrow. What’s happening?
In Haida Nation and Taku River Tlingit, the Supreme Court of Canada reminded Canadian governments they have a duty to consult and accommodate all indigenous people who are defending legitimate property rights. This applies to the OPP [Ontario Provincial Police]. This law is being systematically broken.
Brantford continues to give out illegal permits to foreign corporations. Mega projects continue to be started on unsurrendered Indigenous land. These corporations fraudulently use our land as collateral to raise money at stock exchanges around the world from an unsuspecting public. No charges have been laid against Brantford officials or foreign corporations for breaking the law. Instead the cops are being siked on anyone who attempts to defend our legal rights.
Yesterday, a man was grabbed by the cops from his van and held incommunicado for hours. His 14 and 16 year old sons were arrested. The cops ransacked another van looking for something to charge the driver with. Eventually they charged him for driving without a license. Two more youths were arrested. None of the parents were allowed to speak to their children.
Today, at 7:00 am. Labor Day, the OPP raided the demonstration at the illegal construction site of the Irish company, Kingspan. This had been shut down by Six Nations defenders. Two more youths were arrested, according to sporadic reports.
Why has this situation degenerated so three groups are blocking Highway 6: the OPP, the Caledonians and the Six Nations? Is this is Canada’s idea of consultation and accommodation?
Every inch of land in Canada is unsurrendered native land. Canada doesn’t want to face this. Our property rights are extremely well documented. That’s a problem for them. The rights Canada and Ontario have been violating at Six Nations were documented before either the Canadian state or the province of Ontario were founded. Canada is a product of fraud. Is that why they don’t want to sit down and work out a reasonable plan for peaceful co-existence?
So far Canada’s response has been violence. Bring out the guns and bats!
Canada and the world knows this is wrong. They have no choice but to deal with us, the landowners. We are the legal trustees of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island. Each time they hit us, they remind us of our duties. We struggle even harder to uphold them.
The use of force can never produce a legal result. The Supreme Court of Canada and international law agree with our law, the Kaianerehkowa/Great Law. The only legal way to solve problems is through discussions, negotiations and understandings.
Canada must start listening to our legal reasoning. The violence against Indigenous peoples has got to stop. We know what’s right and wrong. The more they beat us, the more they make it clear that they are wrong. They must back off, stop arresting us, stop beating us up and stop shoving their kangeroo court documents down our throats.
On Tuesday, at 9:00 a.m., some of our people will be brought into the Brantford Court. There is no proof that it has jurisdiction over our people and our land. Many Indigenous people have been asserting our law. They have refused to attorn to the court. They have declared that they stand on the law of the land, the Kaianerehkowa. Or they have demanded proof of the court’s jurisdiction.
So far Canada’s colonial courts have all refused to provide proof for their authority. They know they have none. So they find some way of putting things off. They don’t know what to do when indigenous people who have been accused for political reasons demand proof of their jurisdiction or evidence of the valid termination of our law. They know full well that we never gave our informed consent to become Canadians. We are not Canadians.

If you can, please come to witness the court proceedings and provide support. We need to tell Kingspan of Ireland, Hampton Hotels of the U.S. all the other shysters trying to trespass on our land to go away.
MNN Staff

Contact: Sonehahs 519-761-8094

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