Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mohawk Nation News: The Capitalist party is over!

Mohawk Nation News
Oct. 11, 2008. The stock market crash could be the best thing that ever happened to save the planet. The pollution from the skies will clear so that we can see the horizon once more. The Wall Street bankers are surprised that people are not reacting yet or cracking up. Angry words, yes! But watch out! We’re getting all our affairs in order. Governments and wars can't be run without money. So what will happen to all our differences? We might have to talk to each other like human beings. The secret government/oligarch “mobsters” anticipated the current unfolding of events, the collapse of the US economy, the panic, the outrage and the “domino effect” around the world. The corporate media hid it from us. We can thank alternate internet media for cluing us in! The mobsters anticipated the angry backlash of the people and prepared for it. However, they overlooked our Indigenous creativity, resourcefulness and perseverance. As we watch the demise of the exploitation of our lands and resources, we are seeing a show that is over and no one is clapping for an encore. The liars have been caught. It’ll never be the same again. Read article:

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