Saturday, October 4, 2008

Navajo Wanda MacDonald: McCain is anti-Native

Open letter to Native America,
'Native Americans are in danger of becoming an endangered species'

By Wanda MacDonald
Former First Lady of the Navajo Nation
Censored News

TUBA CITY, Ariz. -- Native America and all my relations, we need to inform and think for ourselves. I want to appeal to all Native voters that electing a US President should have nothing to do with party affiliation (the non-Native party system) as far as our needs are concerned in Native America. I am a Republican, but I always stand for what is best for our people first. We must look at who will be good for Natives. We need to show our nationalism in this election.
We are a big voting block, if we band together. Otherwise, Native Americans are in danger of becoming an endangered species under a McCain/Palin administration. Palin does not support her own Native Alaskan rights.
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