Saturday, October 4, 2008


While watching the last five episodes of 'Ashes To Ashes' in an overnight marathon with Mark & Michael Thursday night (after the debate, of course!), I was struck by the guest star in episode #7. (I hate when shows have no episode titles!)

I don't pay attention to the listings of guest stars at the beginning usually - I like to keep the character separate from the actor. But something about the guy playing Gil Hollis was infuriatingly familiar. Michael, who googles most every show he likes, couldn't remember his name, but he did say that he was married to Keeley Hawes who plays Alex Drake.

That didn't help me - again, I don't go much into the real lives of actors. I'm more keen on their characters.
But I felt as if I had seen him recently, and as I just finished watching the four episodes of 'Lost In Austen', I decided it must be that under that make-up it had to be Eliot Cowan. (Cowan played FitzWilliam Darcy in 'Lost In Austen'.)

As it turned out, it was Matthew Macfadyen, who starred with Keeley in 'MI5' and later married her.

But he also played Mr. Darcy in the recent movie version of "Pride And Prejudice". So maybe my subconscious mind was making the right connection but to the wrong production.......

Toby O'B

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