Sunday, November 30, 2008

December Gift #3

I LOVE Christmas.
I adore Christmas, yes, adore.
I lovethe gifts, the decorations, the shopping, the parties, the gatherings, the food, the drinks, the sense of togetherness and love, just-everything!

But mostly I love the paper products.....everywhere I go I'm touching stuff to feel the weight of paper and I collect greeting cards and gift bags and paper.
It's a sickness.
All my friends have kids already, so why do I have about 30 baby shower cards???
They are pretty much past the Baptismal age, yet I have about 15 Baptism cards.
I can get away with my Birthday card collection but it's getting to the point where I don't want to give a way a card because it's too pretty.

Which leads me to my point.

I need this container thingy from the Container Store.
I can store all my rolls of paper and bows and get this, I can SIT, and wrap paper.
Must have.

So really this is for the house, not for just me. :)

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