Saturday, December 27, 2008


Nate Ford, the founder of the "do-good con men" team of 'Leverage', Inc., was old friends with a priest named Father Paul, ever since they both were in seminary together. When Father Paul was beaten by street punks hired by a real estate developer (to keep Father Paul from making an impassioned plea to save his church from being razed), Nate and his friends stepped in to save the day.

And they did this by faking "The Miracle Job" for the patron saint of the church, St. Nicholas.......

Saint Nicholas (270 - December 6, 342) is the common name for Nicholas of Myra, a saint and Bishop of Myra (in Lycia, part of modern-day Turkey). Because of the many miracles attributed to his intercession, he is also known as Nicholas the Wonderworker. He had a reputation for secret gift-giving, such as putting coins in the shoes of those who left them out for him, and thus became the model for Santa Claus, whose English name comes from the Dutch Sinterklaas. His reputation evolved among the faithful, as is common for early Christian saints. In 1087, his relics were furtively translated to Bari, in southern Italy; for this reason, he is also known as Nicholas of Bari.

The tradition of Saint Nicholas Day, usually on 6 December, is a festival for children in many countries in Europe related to surviving legends of the saint, and particularly his reputation as a bringer of gifts. The American Santa Claus, as well as the Anglo-Canadian and British Father Christmas, derive from these legends.

c. February 15, 270 (the Ides of March), Patara, Lycia, Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey)
December 6, 346 (aged 76), Myra, Lycia
in All Christianity
Major shrine
Basilica di San Nicola, Bari, Italy.
December 6 (main feast day)
May 9 (translation of relics)
Vested as a Bishop. In Eastern Christianity, wearing an omophorion and holding a Gospel Book.
Children, sailors, fishermen, merchants, the falsely accused, pawnbrokers, prostitutes, repentant thieves, many cities.
A real miracle involving St. Nicholas could be said to have occurred in Toobworld. A computerized presence of St. Nicholas was brought forward in Time during an episode of 'Mentors'. Dee was having a hard time getting a senior citizen to accept her charity donation of groceries. She had Oliver summon St. Nicholas in order to help her force Mrs. Tatlow into accepting the gift, but St. Nicholas showed both children that true charity has no conditions, which was something Dee was trying to impose on the old lady.
Toby O'B

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