Monday, January 5, 2009

AIM-West to Join Palestinian March in San Francisco

AIM-WEST endorses the rally event and action scheduled for Saturday, January 10, 2009 at Civic Center in San Francisco

By Tony Gonzales
Photo: Palestinians on Alcatraz at Sunrise Gathering 2006/Photo Brenda Norrell

The American Indian Movement (AIM)-WEST calls out to all our relations, allies and supporters to join the marches; form a contingent in every city, town or village, with flags, drummers and singers, dancers, banners, Elders and youth, to identify who we are, and that we stand in solidarity with the heroic peoples of Gaza!
AIM-WEST, will have a speaker to express the sentiment of the American Indian community, and call to end the killing and bombing of the people Gaza, in Palestine. We will also have spiritual advisers who can also convey words of healing and strength for both our peoples.
We Indigenous Peoples of the Americas, the living memory of our ancestors, share a common enemy with Palestine; racism, poverty and colonialism. Palestinians are the Indians of Palestine! American Indians are the Palestinians of the Americas! Long live Palestine! Long live American Indians and their homelands!
Call AIM-WEST for additional information at 415-577-1492, and
Tony GonzalesAIM-WEST-Director

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