Monday, February 16, 2009

Sweden: Black Mesa Demonstration Double click on poster to enlarge

Out of a growing concern for the recent developments regarding the US Office of Surface Mining decision to, grant Peabody Coal a Life of Mine Permit, for the coal mining on Black Mesa, we have decided to hold a demonstration in Sockholm Sweden, on March 7, 2009. This demonstration will be held jointly with Indigenous representatives from Sapmi ( Saami land), Colombia, Peru, Chile, possibly Tibet and Inner Mongolia, as well as with people who support Indigenous Peoples issues and Mother Earth. We will be at Sergels plaza, in downtown Stockholm, and we will walk to the diplomatic headquarters area, to the US Embassy.After the demonstration and march, there will be presentations at ABF educational facility in Stockholm, of different representatives, on the struggles of Indigenous Peoples. Hopefully it will be possible to conclude with a joint statement, to send to media and governments, under the unifying UN Declaration for Indigenous Peoples Rights and Fundamental Freedom. We hope this little spark of "fire" will catch on, in your Hearts and that people in other places will join in, and arrange demonstrations and gatherings for the Black Mesa struggle. More and more people realize that what the Elders on Black Mesa have spoken of for so long, is now materializing before our very eyes. Please Pray for the People on Black Mesa and for All Our Relations Thank You for your time and consideration Sincerely Carina Gustafsson and Elizabeth Karlsson: Flyer: Elizabeth Karlsson-Good

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