Tuesday, June 1, 2010

US demands coverup of Israeli murder of humanitarians on flotilla

IN COLD BLOOD: US Demands Coverup of Israeli Murder of Humanitarians on Aid Ships
UK GUARDIAN: US says Israel should lead investigation into attack on Gaza flotilla
Turkey's demands for international inquiry blocked at meeting of United Nations security council
Chris McGreal in Washington
http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Tuesday 1 June 2010 19.16 BST
The United States has blocked demands at the UN security council for an international inquiry into Israel's assault on the Turkish ship carrying aid to Gaza that left nine pro-Palestinian activists dead.
A compromise statement instead calls for an impartial investigation which Washington indicated could be carried out by Israel.

Israel used electric shock and beat humanitarians on ships
Human rights activists released from prison tell how Israeli soldiers attacked the human rights activists on ships bound with aid to Palestine, used electric shock and beat them. At least 11 dead:
Article by Elena Becatoros, Suzan Fraser, The Associated Press
In the thousands of articles written on Israel's attack, most are pitiful excuses for the truth. The above AP writers, and two newspapers below used the right words, including murder, electric shock and 'In Cold Blood.'
The Australian by Bassam Dally: World Must Take a Stand Against Israel: Israel's murder of human rights activists
The UK Telegraph: 'In Cold Blood' Why Israel's state thuggery must be stopped by Mary Riddell http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/maryriddell/100041811/in-cold-blood-why-israels-state-thuggery-must-be-stopped

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