Saturday, August 21, 2010

Longest Walk 2011, Reversing Diabetes

Longest Walk Northern Route 2011, Reversing DiabetesLatest map and route for northern route:

The Longest Walk northern route 2011 organizer is Chris Francisco, Navajo from Shiprock, N.M., living in Portland.

Mohawk artist Tracy Thomas designed the Longest Walk, Reversing Diabetes 2011 poster and the Longest Walk 2008 poster. Thank you!"I'm Tracy Thomas, a fullblood Mohawk from the Onondaga Nation in upstate N.Y. I was born with 2 partial fingers to my left hand and none on my right hand, but I see my art, as gift from the Creator. To be the messenger for the Creator, through my art, and to share my creations of art.

This is why I asked to do the 'Longest Walk 3' poster, because we have diabetes in my family and I changed my diet recently, so I hoped I don't get it. Hopefully this walk, will get the message across to our sisters and brothers from the 4 directions, its time to change, get healthy.

So my poster has a message, to return to the diet of our ancestors, corn, beans and squash, the ghost walkers is to honor, the ancestors who walked before us, in order for us to survive. It is a universal statement, time to change. We need to get back to one mind, one body, one spirit, as my people, the Haudenosaunee say, 'The good mind. We need to do this, so our children will be healthy."
Tracy Thomas
Photo right:‎ "1978 Longest Walk, Leon Shenandoah leading the Haudenosaunee with the Chiefs from the Confederacy, yours truly near the front." Tracy Thomas
THE LONGEST WALK 3 (Reversing Diabetes) Feb 14 - July 8, 2011In less than 6 months we will embark on another historic journey -- an event so great and much needed for all of America! This is a 5,000+ mile Walk Across America to bring awareness of the devastating effects of diabetes and how it can be reversed by changing our entire diet and lifestyle! This disease is at epidemic levels across America, and throughout Indian Country.
We will hold community talks along the way about reversing diabetes, and heart disease. We will be advocating for major changes in our eating habits, while promoting beneficial exercise programs. Our goal will be to REVERSE DIABETES AND RAISE THE CONSCIOUS OF AMERICA THAT WE MUST HALT THE WORST DIET IN THE WORLD! Along both routes we will be launching a CLEAN UP MOTHER EARTH campaign, picking up trash along both routes!
We will be leaving La Jolla (San Diego County), California on February 14, 2011 (Valentine's Day - Heart Day) following a pipe ceremony, and other events, and entering Washington DC on July 8th, 2011.
Southern Route:California- Feb 14 - Feb 24
Arizona - Feb 24 - Mar 16
New Mexico - Mar 16 - Apr 6
Texas(panhandle) - April 6 - Apr 8
Oklahoma - Apr 8 - Apr28
Arkansas - Apr 28 - May 1
Louisiana - May 1 - May 17
Mississippi - May 17 - May 20
Alabama - May 20 - May 22
Florida - May 22 - June 12
Georgia - June 12 - June 19
South Carolina - June 19 - June 25
North Carolina - June 25 - July 2
Virginia - July 2 - July 8
The Longest Walk 3 is welcoming a NORTHERN ROUTE from Portland, Oregon to Washington DC!! Chris Fransisco will be leading this route. Please help support both routes. We Need Your Help!CONTACTS: Goodie Cloud, National Coordinator The Longest Walk 3/Reversing Diabetes 2011, (218) 209-0232
Tatanka Banks, President, Dennis Banks Co. , (952) 220-9046
Northern Route: Chris Francisco, (503) 515-6239

Dennis J. Banks, Ojibwa Warrior,

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