Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Big Wedding Day

(Print from Valentina Design)

I have put my heart into this day (as I do all the special events I plan, of course :-)
but this event has been a bit different for me. 
Mandy's original wedding planner backed out at the last minute and 
left her hanging with details and projects daunting to a bride with already enough on her plate. 

I took on this project knowing that it didn't afford me the luxury I usually have . . . time to daydream ideas, craft when I please, and peruse TO DO lists with a relaxed commitment. 
Instead I hit the ground running, 
and, if I must say so myself, revealed a side to this ol' gal that cements the realization that I can get way more done in the course of 24-hour period than most. 
AND, I can tackle it with joy and calm. 

For that alone, I am grateful for this opportunity. 
And as pictures hope to show soon, I didn't disappoint in the creativity department!

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