Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Listen online to Indigenous Border Summit

Listen online to audio from the Indigenous Peoples' Border Summit of the Americas 2007:
Highlights include the Yaqui delegation from Sonora, Mexico, describing deaths of Yaqui from the pesticides banned in the US, being used by corporations in the agricultural fields of Sonora. Bill Means, Lakota cofounder of the International Indian Treaty Council, served as master of ceremonies.
Other highlights include Mohawk Kahentinetha Horn speaking on Indigenous Peoples' passports and sovereignty and the delegation of Indigenous Peoples responding to their first hand view of the border wall being built on Tohono O'odham land and the arrest of Indigenous Peoples by the US Border Patrol. Speakers included Mike Wilson, Tohono O'odham, Chris George, Oneida, Petuuche Gilbert, Acoma Pueblo, Lenny Foster, Navajo and Sebastian Quinac, Mayan from Guatemala, among those who searches for the bodies on Tohono O'odham land of Mayans walking to a better life.

Photo Brenda Norrell

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