Tuesday, July 1, 2008

ACLU sues Homeland Security for documents on migrant deaths in custody

ACLU sues DHS for release of documents related to immigrant deaths
by Frontra NorteSur
The ACLU sues DHS for release of documents regarding deaths of immigrants in custody. Reports of allegedly sub-standard healthcare conditions facing immigrant detainees have proliferated in recent months as the number of incarcerated immigrants has soared.
Posted on June 30, 2008
The American Civil Liberties Union filed a freedom of information lawsuit June 25 against the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for refusing to turn over public documents related to the deaths of dozens of immigrant detainees. Filed in U.S. District Court in Washington D.C., the lawsuit requests that the court order DHS to carry out a reasonable records search and speed up the processing of documents. The ACLU’s legal action arises from alleged government abuses connected to the deaths of immigrants held in various detention facilities in the United States. The deaths were reportedly due to medical neglect. Read more ...

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