Thursday, July 17, 2008

Live from the Protecting Mother Earth Conference on Western Shoshone lands

Photo: Western Shoshone Carrie Dann arrives at the IEN Conference. Photo Brenda Norrell

SOUTHFORK, Nevada -- After four days on the road, we are live and uncensored at the 15th Annual Indigenous Environmental Network's Protecting Mother Earth Conference, July 17 -- 20, 2008.
The Earthcycles radio bus has arrived after completing the 5-month radio broadcast, the Longest Walk Talk Radio. We've traveled over 6,000 miles since leaving Alcatraz on Feb. 11 on the Longest Walk 2 Northern Route.
Now, listen live to Western Shoshone Carrie Dann and hundreds of protectors of the earth from around the world speaking here at the conference, live at the SouthFork Powwow Grounds in Lee, Nevada. After the Longest Walk prayer across America, Indigenous Peoples are here and ready with plans of action to carry out the prayer and protect Mother Earth.
Listen at:
Schedule and directions to this remote location:

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