Monday, August 4, 2008

Day of Mourning for the US Media: Revolution for truth

Day of Mourning for the US Media

A revolution for truth
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Today is a day of mourning for the U.S. media. In case you missed its passing, columnist Roberto Rodriguez' article "Questions journalists never ask," serves as a memorial. Rodriquez' column also points out that it wasn't just the integrity of the U.S. media that died, but U.S. democracy, now on the fast track to Nazi-style dictatorship. The Bush administration and its team of multi-national corporate profiteers continue co-opting the U.S. Congress, military, police and commerce. So here's the Censored News challenge to U.S. journalists: Walk out for truth. Just get your personal items together, shut down the computer and walk out! It is as easy as that to bring about a revolution for truth.

Questions journalists never ask

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