Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Alert: Tyendinaga Mohawks facing arrest

CONTACT THE FEDS: Back off Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory:
(November 5th, 2008) At present, Tyendinaga Mohawk community members are
being targeted for their opposition to an expensive new police station, paid
for in part by the Federal Government of Canada, as well as their opposition
to quarry operations where no adequate environmental assessments have taken

The Band Council in Tyendinaga put up half the money ($1 million) for the
new cop shop, while the Ministry of Public Safety and Security put up the
other half of the funding. Plans were made for this roughly $1.9-million
facility, even though the money could have been spent to address the lack of
safe water on the Territory and poor housing conditions.

A month ago, on September 24th, 2008, the new police building was put on
hold after community members blockaded the intended site of the building.
Such demonstrations took place again last week. Now several dozen community
members are facing arrest and criminal charges.

It seems clear the the Canadian government is intent on ensuring this new
cop shop be implemented, in a community which has stood up for its people
and its land, time and time again.

Take a moment to call on the feds who are helping to make this police
station happen, and express your concern at their involvement in pouring
increased policing monies into a First Nations community where water and
housing issues and the legitimate Culbertson Tract land claim remain


Peter Van Loan
Minister of Public Safety
House of Commons
Ottawa K1A 0A6

phone: 613-944-4875 or 1-800-830-3118
fax: 613-954-5186

Stephen Harper
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa K1A 0A2

phone (constituency office):(403) 253-7990
fax: 613-941-6900

Tyendinaga Police 'Respond' to Community Concerns

(Wednesday, November 5, 2008) It appears that Tyendinaga Police Chief Ron
Maracle is making good on his promise of charging people involved in
demonstrations at the intended site for a second police station, as well as
a contested second quarry operation on the Territory (different location
than the original and on-going reclamation of the Thurlow Aggregate quarry

It is believed that Tyendinaga Mohawk Police have issued warrants for 30
community members.

The people targeted for arrest are Longhouse people who maintain scrutiny
over Band Council operations and spending. This amounts to an unprecedented
attempt to criminalize and jail any effective opposition that exists in the
community. This is an attack on our families, our children, our culture and
the way we think. This has moved beyond a simple community dispute. The
federal government is making a final push to eradicate those people who
believe in the strength and power of the Mohawk Nation and who will stand in
its defence.

Despite community concern over widespread exposure to water that has been
declared unfit for human consumption throughout reserve homes and schools,
the Government continues to prioritize the second station over these needs.

Concern over the second quarry operation stems from alarm at the tremendous
speed with which this particular quarry has been established and grown in
size. Community members are aware of the extremely rigorous environmental
study and assessment practices that are required before quarries and
aggregates can be established elsewhere in the province. Such laws do not
apply on reserves and concern as to whether environmental and safety
assessments have been properly conducted and meet recognized professional

These fears have increased in recent weeks as households in the direct
vicinity of quarry operations have experienced water problems and collapsed
wells for the first time ever.

The quarry is operated by Build-All Contractors, a company owned by Police
Chief Maracle's brother. The site preparation and overseeing of the
building construction at the site of the new police station was also awarded
to Build-All, the Police Chief's brother, in an untendered contract.

All of this is taking place because we oppose a decision made by the Band

With army helicopters and fighter jets circulating the Territory today, the
Federal Government of Canada is making it clear that it intends to exercise
what it views as its interest in community affairs.

- Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
Wednesday, November 5th, 2008



New First Nations police station draws protest

By Brian St. Denis

Friday, October 31st, 2008

A protest against the installation of a new Tyendinaga police building ended
early Wednesday night when activists delayed its delivery for a second time.

Native protesters braved the frigid weather for several days to protest the
installation of the York Road station on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory,
west of Deseronto.

The building, which was assembled off-site, was trucked in Oct. 29 but was
not successfully installed on the site.

"The trucking company had to leave because their permits were only good for
the daylight hours, so it when it started getting dark they had to get out
of there," said Brant Bardy, a spokesperson for the Tyendinaga Mohawk
Territory band office.

The original delivery date was Sept. 23, making this the second delay in
just over a month. Bardy said the protest has not deterred plans to bring
the building in.

"The building is bought and paid for, and every delay is pushing up costs,"
said Bardy. "That's an injustice to the community coffers."

The issue of the heart of the protest was clean drinking water. According to
the protesters, approximately 80 per cent of the community's wells are
contaminated. The Quinte Mohawk School, just seconds down the road, has to
provide bottled water for students because the tap water is unsafe.

"They need to address the issues," said Dan Doreen, spokesperson for the
protesters. "They have bags over the fountains at the school."

He said that they don't object to the new building, but to the community
having to match the government funding of $980,000. They believe this money
should go to solving the drinking water problem first.

"Kids are number one," said another protester.

York Road was blocked off by the Mohawk Fire Department and several police
officers for the duration of the protest. The protesters had a pick-up truck
parked on the cement pad where the new building was to be placed.

The protesters also used a small tractor to dig on the property, claiming it
was for a new youth centre, but Bardy said it was just a red herring.

Police announced early Wednesday morning that the protest had become a
matter of public safety and blocked the public, including media, out of the
area. Bardy said that a police investigation is underway, but Tyendinaga
Police Chief Ron Maracle could not be reached for comment.


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