Friday, December 5, 2008

Indigenous Peoples enaged in UN climate talks in Poland

International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change

Indigenous Peoples Fight for Participation in Global Climate Talks Encouraged by limited progress achieved, support of some parties

Poznan, Poland – After years of lobbying, the International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC) are moving towards the establishment of an Expert Group on Indigenous Peoples within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a small but growing number of Party Delegations have expressed interest in developing the recommendation in support and solidarity with the 350 million Indigenous Peoples throughout the world.
"While we are very happy that governments are seemingly supportive of our rights, we are dismayed at the slow progress of adopting a mechanism that ensures our participation at the UNFCCC," said Pashuram Tamang, chairperson of IIPFCC. "This is especially in view of the developments related to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD)."
The issue of REDD remains problematic for Indigenous Peoples. While some governments have expressed support to the idea of recognizing indigenous rights as part of the preconditions prior to the implementation of REDD, many of the Indigenous Peoples' delegates remain adamant in saying that "life is not for sale" and reject outright market-based mechanisms as ways to resolve the climate change problem.
More specifically, Indigenous Peoples see the current lack of a formal consultative process for Indigenous Peoples within the climate change negotiations as evidence that REDD will be contrary to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN-DRIP), which was adopted by the UN General Assembly (GA) in 2007.
"We are especially amazed that these Parties who now do not want us to participate in the UNFCCC are the same Parties that have adopted a document that clearly recognizes the rights of Indigenous Peoples," said Adam Kulet Ole Mwarabu, a delegate from Tanzania.
Until the rights of Indigenous Peoples are guaranteed, IIPFCC has also called for the suspension of REDD and redd projects.
Indigenous delegates are going to use the remaining days to lobby for the draft decision calling for the establishment of the expert group.

The International Indigenous Peoples Forum on Climate Change (IIPFCC) is composed of 75 delegates from indigenous nations and communities from different regions. It was established in 2000 in Lyon, France to provide a platform for indigenous peoples to share knowledge, discuss issues and contributing the indigenous voice to global discussions on climate change.
For more information, please contact IIPFCC Secretary Ben Powless ( / +48 798012282)

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