Monday, August 10, 2009

Nine peacemakers arrested in Wisconsin

What we didn't think would happen during the Obama administration just happened: Peace activists were arrested for opposing war ...

Wisconsin Peacemakers: Janet Parker, (Madison – 2nd from left), Bonnie Urfer, (Luck – center), Joy First (Monona 2nd from right) , and Tom Haebig (not in the photo) crossed the line at Ft. McCoy today – to call for an end to wars, occupation, and militarism. Other anti-war activists crossing the line were Vicki Andrews of Grand Rapids, MN (left to right) , Alice Gerard of NY, Brian Terrell of Iowan, Gerald Paoli of Chicago, and Dylan Parkes, also from Iowa. AUGUST 10, 2009. CONTACT: NUKEWATCH 715-491-3813-or- Wisc. Net for Peace Justice 608-250-9240

From Nukewatch and Wisc. Net for Peace
TOMAH, Wisconsin – Nine anti-war activists were detained at Mt. McCoy after walking onto the central-Wisconsin base to protest the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the continued U.S. possession of nuclear weapons.Five of the nine were ticketed and released from the site after being permanently banned from entering the base again.Four of the group were taken by U.S. marshals to Madison where they face federal trespass charges in U.S. District Court. The four had previously been banned from the base for earlier protests.All nine were part of a three-day walk for peace that began Aug. 7 near Camp Williams.The walk was also a commemoration of the U.S. atomic attacks bombings of the cities of Hiroshima August 6, and Nagasaki August 9, 1945, and an appeal for a moratorium on the use of armor-piercing shells made from waste uranium-238 known as “depleted uranium” munitions.Walkers carried dozens of placards along highways 12 and 21, principle among them were pleas: to bring all the troops home; to compensate the victims of the U.S. military occupations; to abolish nuclear weapons; and to inform the National Guard troops of all their legal rights.The four activists being held in federal custody in Madison pending arraignment are Brian Terrell, 53, of Maloy, Iowa; Bonnie Urfer, 57, of Luck, Wis.; Alice Gerard, 52, of Grand Island, New York; and Joy first, 55, of Madison, Wisc.The five ticketed and released pending arraignment are Gerald Paoli, 49, of Chicago, IL; Janet Parker 41, of Madison; Dylan Parker, 20, of Davenport, IA; Vicki Andrews, 64, of Grand Rapids, MN; and Tom Haebig, 72, of West Bend, Wisc.

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