Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Maidu Nation: Radio Bird Street

"The Maidu Nation Station!"
KRBS 107.1 FM lp

The Maidu Nation Station!" produced by Seventh Generation Indian Fund for Development and the
California Indian Manpower Consortium, Inc.
"The Maidu Nation Station" welcomes Elder Marcia Hunter Estrada, to speak from "The Grandmother's Gathering" currently taking place in Hawaii and on the upcoming 20th Annual Tule River Women's only Spiritual Retreat in the sacred mountains of the Tule River Indian Reservation to be held September 30 through October 4, 2009.
Today, the youth talk to Chris Kientz, Exec. Producer/co-author of Canada's "Raven Tales" and soon-to-be-seen in the United States ...
Check out "Raven Tales" at: http://www.raventales.ca
Today, Sept. 8 @ 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. (PST) go to:
Patricia Pena
(916) 454-5516

"first you dream it,
plot it out,
ask Creator to bless it...
only then will you achieve it, On Native Ground!"
- ppena, Kickapoo Nation KS

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