Thursday, March 18, 2010

Haskell American Indian Film Festvial

Stories 'N Motion American Indian Film Festival

Next Friday and Saturday
Photo from film: 'Video Letters from Prison'

Start Time: Friday, March 26, 2010 at 6:00pm
End Time: Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 11:00pm
Location: Haskell Auditorium, Haskell Indian Nations University, 155 Indian Avenue, Lawrence, Ks 66046

Friday March 26-6pm, showing of "Rez Bomb" with Q and A with Native Actor Russell Means approx. 7:30pm Haskell Auditorium

Saturday March 27-
1pm- Contrary Warrior- This recounts the life and work of Native American artist, activist, author and teacher, Adam Fortunate Eagle. Laurence M. Hauptman, the distinguished professor of history at SUNY New Paltz, best sums up the documentary’s subject: “Adam Fortunate Eagle is a prominent Native American artist, author and activist who has helped shape the modern American Indian world. Born on the Red Lake Reservation in Minnesota, he attended the federal Indian boarding school at Pipestone Minnesota. In the 1950s he moved to California where he soon became a successful businessman, artist and leader of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Native American community."

2:30- Video Letters from Prison- This movie follows the lives of three Oglala Lakota sisters as they reconnect with their incarcerated father via a series of video letters. The Poor Bear girls are not sure they even want to connect—but their mother, Cindy, helps them overcome reluctance and hurt to participate in the letters. The change in her girls is immediate and beautiful.

3:35- 5 Minute Film Flick

3:45-The Great American Footrace (With producers Dan Bigbee and Lily Shangreaux in attendance) Andy Payne, an Oklahoma Cherokee, was twenty years old when he decided to enter the 1928 Trans-Continental Foot Race. When asked why Andy said “I just thought I could do it”. Andy would finish in first place after the 84 day ordeal.

5:00- The Chiefs Prophecy (with discussion with director L.Killsback to follow)-In his film, Killsback traces the history of leadership in the tribe, the original warrior societies and the complex Cheyenne Council of 44 that relied on values such as peace, dignity, honor, compassion, cooperation and native spirituality. In the second section of the four-part film, viewers learn that after a series of wars, the tribe was forced onto a reservation in 1884.
All practices of the Cheyenne religion were outlawed, and a Bureau of Indian Affairs-established police force diminished the tribe's warrior system, according to Killsback. The BIA appointed its own leaders, also undermining the warrior society system, and spiritual leaders had to compete with the Christian churches

6:20-5 Minute flick

6:30- In Good Fun (movie by Stories ‘N Motion club member Curtis Woods)

7:20-The Hardships of Being President (movie by Stories ‘N Motion club member Taylor Haynes)

7:30- Jim Thorpe: The World’s Greatest Athlete-a biography of the Native American athlete who became a sports icon in the first half of the 20th century. This is a film about a man who used his amazing physical prowess as a way to affirm his American Indian identity in the face of unrelenting efforts to eradicate Native American culture. Jim Thorpe, The World’s Greatest Athlete. It is the first documentary film to tell the story of Thorpe’s life outside of his well-known athletic victories.
The film uses in-depth interviews with Thorpe’s surviving children, some simple recreations and images culled from over seventy-five archive sources, both stills and motion picture.

8:45- Coming to Terms (Premiere of Stories ‘N Motion production) romantic comedy

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