Monday, July 26, 2010

Oliver Stone adds to his Resumé


by the Left Coast Rebel

In the past year and a half I have blogged on and off about far-left director Oliver Stone. Much like useful idiot communist sympathizers Sean Penn, Danny Glover and dozens of others out of Hollywood, Stone typically doesn't dissapoint when he finds himself in the headlines.

Call it a spontaneous Team America-moment when it happens. And an easy topic to blog about too, since he is such a deranged loon.

On cue, the recent Hugo Chavez 'documentary' (read love fest) that Stone shot perhaps pointed to a new level of moonbattery, even for the half-Jewish communist director.

Oh, did I mention half Jewish? Here's why, via Newsbusters:

Director Oliver Stone belittled the Holocaust during a shocking interview with the Sunday Times today, claiming that America's focus on the Jewish massacre was a product of the "Jewish domination of the media."

The director also defended Hitler and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and railed against the "powerful lobby" of Jews in America.

Stone said that his upcoming Showtime documentary series "Secret History of America," seeks to put Hitler and Communist dictator Joseph Stalin "in context."


And you thought Mel Gibson had problems,? asks Robert Stacy McCain, (while chalking up a must-read).

To which I ask, in response - why does Oliver Stone have any cred, even in Hollyweird? And aren't most of the power brokers in Hollywood Jewish, too?

There's something about the final evolution of a progressive-collectivist's thought pattern and ideological that also embraces the 'Jews are responsible for x, y and z' outlook as well.

On this, Oliver Stone reminds me of another favorite - Gore Vidal. Cross posted to Rational Nation, Proof Positive, War Planner.

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