Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Train Wreck

I have been on hiatus from my real life gaming group for about 10 months now. My son was born on August 6th, 2010. I don't think you need to be a rocket scientist to realize that was going to cut deep into my free time. I had to choose between writing and gaming, and I chose writing because I could write around the giant demands of an infant, whereas a game must be attended regardless of how many times you woke up in the middle of the night or how angry your wife will be if you leave her with two small children for several hours.

Thankfully, these conditions are coming to an end. My kid is much more manageable now and we have a solid schedule. My wife and I are both quite adept at handling the increased load. We have adapted. He has grown. Life is good.

So in about 3 weeks I am going to dive back into the game. I was talking to one of the players who also had to take a break (work reasons for him) and we were both going to be coming back at the same time. We were talking about how we had no idea what was going on in the group, aside from the fact that we are pretty sure they are playing Ars Magica. My friend said he had no idea how long the current campaign was intended to run or what would be done in the first few sessions after we returned (both of us want to put me back in the GM chair to run some Errant).

And I said to my friend, "Well, whatever we are doing it won't last long. I am a killer of games. I am a pusher of red buttons. I am a derailer."

It's true. In GURPs, I always take the Impulsive disadvantage, because every character I have ever played is like that, so why not get points for it. I am a doer of deeds, caution be damned. And it's ok, because I don't care about dying and I like making new characters.

One time I was in a party that came across a cyclops. We tried to interact peacefully with it. It seemed retarded. So I stabbed it in the eye with my spear. Turns out, that was a baby Cyclops. It's mommy was NOT HAPPY and REALLY BIG. That dude died a painful death.

One time I was in a Carella's Witchcraft game where I was a non-magical ex-soldier who was accompanying a team of people to investigate an ancient Mayan temple haunted by an evil spirit. As the only non-magical person, I made up for my weakness with a lot of C4 and explosives expertise. I saw a shiny dagger that just begged to be taken. A fellow party member warned me that the dagger was cursed and if I took it, it would consume my soul and endanger everyone. I said I am taking it anyway. He tried to kill me. And he would have been able to in a single attack, as I was pretty severely wounded at that point. But I won initiative. So I detonated a stick of C4. And that was the last anyone ever heard about that haunted temple.

One time in a Gamma World game, I was a carnivorous lizard man. There were these zombies everywhere, like 28 days later. We were helped by a group of people. I saw they had a really powerful item. Behind closed doors, I floated the idea of killing the people and taking the item and their supplies. Another party member decapitated me. That sucked. Previously in that same game, I sold an NPC centaur into slavery for a Jeep. The replacement character I made found the recently deceased resurrected Jesus, surrounded by giant mosquitos that had drained him dry (this game was gonzo, if you couldn't tell). I let a mosquito attach itself to me, then I squeezed Jesus' blood into my body, gaining immortality. Unfortunately, I also became..... good. That was fun.

I don't mean to derail games per se. I'm just..... creative in my solutions. And willing to suffer the consequences.

Anyone want to take bets on how long this Ars Magica campaign can survive?

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