Monday, November 2, 2009

Random Special Days

I was searching the Internet in Creative Writing for information on children's books when I came across an article about National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day (December 16th). So I got to thinking about all the crazy days we have during the month. Here's a list of some for November & December.

November 2nd: National Deviled Egg Day. Throw an egg on your salad to celebrate this random day kids! And eat a cookie while your at it because it's Cookie Monster's birthday

November 4th: National Candy Day. It's just an excuse to get rid of that extra Halloween candy people have laying around.

November 5th: National Doughnut Day. Should you celebrate this? I don't know you tell me. If you're willing to cheat on your diet then sure.

November 7th: National Hug-a-Bear Day. Please, I repeat, please don't do this!

November 13th: Mom's and Dad's Day. I've yet to find Kids Day?

November 14th: National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day. It's about time to get those moldy leftovers out of there!

November 30th: National Stay at Home Because You Can Day. Seniors? I think this means us.

December 3rd: National Roof-Over-Your-Head-Day. Pick up one of those homeless people always hanging out by McDonald's. Just don't tell your parents I told you to do it.

December 16th: National Chocolate Covered Anything Day. Yes it says anything :)

December 18th: National Wear a Plunger on Your Head Day. Uhmm. Okay. If you really want too?

December 21st: National Humbug Day. Finally a day where we're encouraged to be miserable!

December 25th: National Pumpkin Pie Day. I think not. National Present Day is more appropriate.

December 26th: National Whiners Day. Is this considered whiner's day because of the bratty kids that whine about the presents they didn't get?

December 27th: National Visit the Zoo Day. Ain't it a bit cold for that? Maybe the animals feel more at home with the weather. Either that of the zoo's are suffering from lack of business!

*Celebrate these days with a few friends, or even by yourself. It's a reason to do something stupid and when you get in trouble you actually have an excuse!

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