Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Winter Olympics

Hey bloggers!

I guess I'm back to making fun of random things so I figured I'll make some fun of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver!

Vancouver....that's exciting, eh? Nothing says a riproarin' time like Canada. Let's see they have........ummm.....Niagra Falls. That's pretty sweet I guess. At least they kicked the games off pretty nicely, I hear. I wasn't fortunate enough to spend my precious time watching the opening ceremony.

A death did occur, as I'm sure everyone is aware of. A Georgian (country not state) lugeist, luger, lugian, something suffered a catastrophic high speed wreck. RIP Nodar Kumaritashvili. I'd like to know when the fun-filled family activity of sledding turned into a ninety mile per hour free-for-all! Picture yourself going ninety on the interstate in a convertible; now take the top down; now take the wheels and body off and put steel skates on the bottom of your seat, and recline back and enjoy the ride.....and the change of underwear you'll be having afterwards. I cannot even imagine what that's like.

The best sport in the world, curling, is currently underway. Scientific research should be done on viewers of this sport. Curiosity strikes the first time viewer. Is it shuffle board? Is it ice skating? Is it magic? ARE THOSE BROOMS? In fact, it's some combination of all these. It looks like a game you and your siblings make up when mom makes you all go outside for a couple hours. Rocks, check. Brooms, check. Dangerously slick ice, check! After the curiosity comes fascination. How could these men possibly slide the rock oh-so-delicately and then brush the ice in a flash of movement and vigor and allow the rock to come sliding o so gently into the center circle? I don't know. No one does. One highly accredited scientist says its magic after a study I, I mean he, performed five minutes ago.

So that's my take on the two craziest and invigorating sports in the Olympic Games!

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