Sunday, April 18, 2010


Senior year is supposed to be relaxing and fun, but scholarships do not allow for this. Scholarships are stressful and time consuming. They may not be as stressful for those seniors who do not procrastinate, but they are very stressful for me.

Why do they make all the scholarships due on the same day? I think they should space out the deadlines and have one due every two or three days. That would give everyone more time to focus on each particular scholarship essay instead of writing up to four or more essays in one night.

Not only do we have scholarship essays due the same day in mass quantities, but we also have our regular class homework: tests, papers, worksheets, etc. All this work leads to late nights of studying and doing homework, and the teachers wonder why we sleep in class.

Well, the sleeping in class may not be as much do to the late nights of homework as the senioritis!

There is good news for everyone though: Almost all of the scholarship due dates are past!!! Woohoo!!!

Enjoy the rest of senior year!

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