Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Making my fall premiere......
Well, here I am.... have no idea what that Shoe Hand has pushed me into, but let's see what may be on the horizon for this new attempt at a web presence for Toobworld........
I'll just be getting my feet wet right now, dipping the toes actually. I'll see later what I might come up with for content.
posted by Toby @ 8:43 AM

One year ago today, that kid-havin' kid Sean Cleary spurred me to re-establish my online presence as a televisiologist (or to put it more plainly, a TV nutjob).

It came along at just the right time in my life, as I was still grieving over the loss of my cat, Tigli Oddfoot, after 20 years of companionship. So this gave me something to take my mind off her for a while.....

Previously, I had been running my Tubeworld Dynamic website for five years... until AOL disabled AOLPress, one of the easeiest programs I think there could ever be for creating web pages.

So I went back to work on my Toobworld novel until I figured it was time to try again in preaching my particular madness in cyber-space. Trying to come up with something daily has been a lot less work than setting up the monthly edition of the old TwD ever was and so I've been enjoying it immensely.

And it's given me plenty of material to use in a new project, sort of a field guide to the TV Universe that goes far beyond just crossovers and spin-offs.

So hopefully I'll be around for a long-time to come with more of this bleep as I try to splain away the discrepancies of the TV Universe.

I also want to say thanks to readers like Hugh D, "Markhael", Jaia, and "Words Say Nothing". They help me to "right what once went wrong".

And with my Swiss-cheese memory, they need to do that often!

Also, thanks to visitors like Lee Goldberg and Bryce Zabel, whov'e been a big boost to my ego!

As sort of an anniversary gift to myself, I just picked up a few TV DVD boxed sets for my growing collection.

I went in hoping to pick up the 'McCloud' set... for research into the tele-version of the Edison Hotel.

But instead I got:

'Combat!' - Season 1, Campaign 1
'The Muppet Show' - Season 1
'At Last The 1948 Show' (one of the predecessors to 'Monty Python's Flying Circus')
'Hit Celebrity TV Commercials' (
It just sounds soooo bad.....)

Thanks for visiting. Come back often. AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS!


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