Thursday, October 20, 2005


The two spin-offs of the original 'CSI' will cross over during sweeps, with 'CSI: NY' team leader Mac Taylor feeling the warmth on 'CSI: Miami' Monday, Nov. 7. Two days later, 'CSI: Miami' head honcho Horatio Caine flies north to appear on the third series in the franchise. The episodes will entangle both F-Troops ("F" as in Forensics, that is) in the search for an escaped serial killer who's out to commit more murders.

According to a news item found at, the storyline will focus on the hunt for serial killer Henry Darius, who has confessed to a murder in Miami and is being flown from New York to lead police to the body. When the plane transporting him to Florida crashes, however, he escapes and sets off a manhunt.

Speaking of and crossovers, their weekly columnist "TV Gal" shows why she's such fun to read each Tuesday with her musings this week on what TV crossovers she'd like to see.

In her best crossover idea, TV Gal suggests 'Veronica Mars' could help Bree Van DeCamp prove that she isn't one of those 'Desperate Housewives' who kill their husbands. Fairview, California might not be all that far of a drive from Neptune; in fact, aside from them being on competing networks, the only thing that might just drop this into becoming a cold case would be the price of gasoline nowadays for the commute!

Many of TV Gal's crossover wish-crafts would be hampered by that old bugaboo about border crossings (jumping from network to network like 'Ghost Whisperer'/'Gimore Girls'), but the tougher sell would be the locations within the shows' inner realities.

For example, her top suggestion is for a 'Lost'/'Numb3rs' link in which math genius Charlie solves the riddle of Hurley's numbers. Forget about one show being on ABC and the other on CBS - once Charlie's FBI brother and the members of his team helped find the island, it's game over, man!

(Although for the sake of their show 'Criminal Minds', I'm sure CBS wouldn't mind if 'Lost' really did get lost.)

But a crossover between 'Supernatural' and 'ER' (TV Gal's reasoning is a larf; I'd buy that for a dollar!) could work, despite the fact that the medical drama is firmly rooted in Chicago. 'Supernatural' is not tied down to any one location, as the "Brothers Kolchak" drive around the country's heartland seeking to drive stakes through the hearts of their quarry.

For them, it's more Route 666 than 'Route 66'. And since Chicago is my kind of town when it comes to the things that go bump in the night - as we saw in the original, GOOD!, version of 'The Night Stalker' and in 'Special Unit 2', it would make sense for Sam and Dean to show up and work with yet another Sam.

So check out her column this week. You can find "TV Gal" listed at the Zap2It site:


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