Tuesday, March 7, 2006


There's going to be a spin-off series from 'Doctor Who' next year - 'Torchwood', which will star John Barrowman as the omnisexual Captain Jack Harkness, the 52nd Century adventurer who starred with the Doctor and Rose for the last five episodes of 'Doctor Who' last season.

But now comes word from the English newspaper The Sun that there will be another spin-off as well, one featuring Elisabeth Sladen as Sarah Jane Smith and K-9 as himself. (They made a pilot once before, 'K-9 And Company', but which wasn't very successful.)

The BBC won't comment at this time, but Russell T. Davies, the writer who reinvigorated the 'Doctor Who' series, has said in the past that there are some other ideas floating about for spin-offs.

Here's how The Sun played out the story:

"Doctor Who's robot dog K9 and ex-sidekick Sarah Jane Smith are to get their own spin-off show, TV Biz can reveal.

We told how BBC bosses are bringing back K9 for an episode in the Timelord's new series. Now it has emerged that the pooch and Sarah Jane, played by Elizabeth Sladen, will also star together in their own children's series.

An insider said: 'It would have been a shame to put K9 back in his kennel, so we've come up with an idea for another drama. It's early days but K9 and Elizabeth Sladen are inseparable characters. There are loads of things we can do with 'Doctor Who'. It's one of the most popular shows on TV and viewers can't seem to get enough of it.' "

You'd think the English would remember that the character is named The Doctor; it's the show that's 'Doctor Who'. Why they would call him "Doctor Who" makes me think The Sun must be the British equivalent of the New York Post.

And if so, who can trust what they report? So I'll just wait for confirmation on this from other sources before I start celebrating.


(Full disclosure: Sarah Jane Smith is my favorite of the Companions.)

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