Thursday, June 22, 2006


While picking up a b'day present for one of my good friends, here's what I got for myself to further strain the bounds of my bookcase.

Gotta get me a TARDIS to live in.....

Four episodes of the series with Dennis Hopper guesting in one as "The Beatnik". A nice sampler for four bucks.

Another disc to prepare for any possible rainy days while I'm on vacation at the Lake with my nephew who's a year and a half.

I was just getting into Stephen Sondheim at UConn when this showed up on PBS. It's only connection to him is that he appears in it as a piano player and has a funny little scene closer. That's about all I remember of it, although it stars a few fave ladies of Toobworld - Susan Sarandon, Lee Meredith, Estelle Parsons, as well as two absolute greats in my pantheon of actors: Kevin McCarthy and Jack Cassidy.

This is from 1981, an English thriller from the Thatcher era. A fifteen year old is recruited for a very exclusive academy where he finds himself working for the Icarus Foundation which is plotting to take over the world.

No, that's not a misprint. This sounds like a real oddity. In 1890, a nine year old girl wrote a book in twelve days and it hasn't been out of print since it first came out in 1919. Her naive look at the world (The main character is elderly at the age of 42!) is considered social satire by accident. The stars are Jim Broadbent and Hugh Laurie, so you can't beat that with a stick!

Still haven't picked up "Bad Twin", but I really should get that before I go on vacation, although I am also planning on Mary Norton's complete collection about "The Borrowers" to be my main lakeside reading material.


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