Thursday, July 20, 2006


Actor Peter Hawkins passed away in the United Kingdom on July 8th at the age of 82.

Hawkins was far better known for his voice than for his appearance, as he gave voice to the first of the Daleks as well as to the first Cybermen in 'Doctor Who'.

He was one of the original Daleks in "The Daleks", the story which introduced them. He returned as a Dalek's voice in:

"The Dalek Invasion of Earth"
"The Space Museum"
"The Chase"
"Mission to the Unknown"
"The Daleks' Master Plan"
"The Power of the Daleks"
"The Evil of the Daleks".

But in addition to those pepperpots, Hawkins also voiced one of the original Cybermen in "The Tenth Planet", as well as in:

"The Moonbase"
"The Tomb of the Cybermen"
"The Wheel in Space".

Science fiction shows weren't the only beneficiaries of his vocal talents. Peter Hawkins provided the voices for 'The Flowerpot Men' Bill and Ben as well as for Captain Pugwash. Among the other children shows he worked on were 'Rainbow' and 'SuperTed'.

But he also made his physical presence known in Toobworld with apperances on such shows as 'Dave Allen At Large', 'Father Brown', and 'Jim Henson's The Storyteller'.

Over in the radio universe, Hawkins provided voices for the original version of 'The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy'.

"Penny Crayon" (1990) TV Series (voice) .... Dennis
"Jimbo and the Jet Set" (1986) TV Series (voice)
"The Family-Ness" (1984) TV Series (voice)
"The Perishers" (1978) TV Series (voice)
"Rainbow" (1972) TV Series (voice) .... Zippy (1972)
"The Adventures of Sir Prancelot" (1972) TV Series (voice)
"Dave Allen at Large" (1971) TV Series .... Various characters
"Tomfoolery" (1970) TV Series .... Various characters
"The Big Spender" (1965) TV Series .... Spiro
"Captain Pugwash" (1957) TV Series (voice) .... Captain Pugwash/Master Mate/Pirate Barnabas/Pirate Willy/Tom the cabin boy
"The Woodentops" (1955) TV Series (voice)
"Billy Bean and His Funny Machine" (1954) TV Series (voice) .... Billy Bean
"Flower Pot Men" (1952) TV Series (voice)
"Stranger from Space" (1951) TV Series .... Petrio (Second series only)
"Whirligig" (1950) TV Series .... Voice of Mr. Turnip

"The Days of Vengeance" (1960) (mini) TV Series .... PC Harris

"Windfalls" (1988) TV Series (voice) .... Narrator/Various Characters
"The Adventures of Spot" (1987) TV Series .... Narrator
"SuperTed" (1983) TV Series (voice) .... Narrator
"Bleep and Booster" (1963) TV Series (voice) .... Narrator
Treasure Island (1957) (TV) .... Narrator

"The Storyteller"
- The Soldier and Death (1988) TV Episode (voice) .... Devil
"Father Brown"
- The Hammer of God (1974) TV Episode .... Gibbs
"Dial M for Murder"
- Dead Connection (1974) TV Episode .... Sgt. Maclean
- Project Sahara (1970) TV Episode (voice) .... Computer
"Softly Softly"
- Blind Man's Bluff (1966) TV Episode .... Det. Sgt. Thorn
"The Wednesday Play"
- A Walk in the Sea (1966) TV Episode .... Mr. Willis

The Survivors (28 December 1963) - Daleks (voice)
The Escape (4 January 1964) - Daleks (voice)
The Ambush (11 January 1964) - Daleks (voice)
The Expedition (18 January 1964) - Daleks (voice)
The Ordeal (22 January 1964) - Daleks (voice)
The Rescue (1 February 1964) - Daleks (voice)
The Daleks (28 November 1964) - Daleks (voice)
Day of Reckoning (5 December 1964) - Daleks (voice)
The End of Tomorrow (12 December 1964) - Daleks (voice)
The Waking Ally (19 December 1964) - Daleks (voice)
Flashpoint (26 December 1964) - Daleks (voice)
The Space Museum (24 April 1965) - Dalek (voice)
The Executioners (22 May 1965) - Daleks (voice)
Mission to the Unknown (9 October 1965) - Daleks (voice)
The Nightmare Begins (13 November 1965) - Daleks (voice)
Day of Armageddon (20 November 1965) - Daleks (voice)
The Tenth Planet: Part 1 (8 October 1966) - Cyberman (voice)
The Power of the Daleks: Part 1 (5 November 1966) - Daleks (voice)
The Moonbase: Part 1 (11 February 1967) - Cybermen (voice)
The Evil of the Daleks: Part 1 (20 May 1967) - Daleks (voice)
The Tomb of the Cybermen: Part 1 (2 September 1967) - Cybermen (voice)
The Tomb of the Cybermen: Part 2 (9 September 1967) - Cybermen (voice)
The Tomb of the Cybermen: Part 3 (16 September 1967) - Cybermen (voice)
The Tomb of the Cybermen: Part 4 (23 September 1967) - Cybermen (voice)
The Wheel in Space: Part 1 (27 April 1968) - Cybermen (voice)


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