Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I'll be the first to admit that I'm off the deep end about Television at times, but some of these comments I see in TV-related blogs can sometimes scare me.

Take, for example, this one in response to a question about what to cover during the summer doldrums:

I loved Marc's suggestion about posting about old shows, or maybe a "do you remember..." thread for shows like 'Holmes and Yoyo' and 'Mr. Merlin'. You and I are prob about the same age, so I think I would enjoy that. A sort of Proust meets Bellisario, if you will.

Proust and Bellisario? Why not Kierkegaard and Grant Tinker?

Luckily for my computer screen I had my spit-take tendencies curbed through dream regression therapy.....

Toby OB

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