Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Seven episodes of 'John From Cincinnatti' have aired; there are only three to go. And as much as I'm digging this series, I'll be surprised if it gets the green light for a sophomore season.

So I'm thinking it's crunch time in the home stretch and David Milch & Co. will have to buckle down to bring the story to the stunning conclusion I'm expecting in those final three eps. And that means that there probably won't be any leeway to ramble off on topics that don't relate to the main storylines... like, say, who the parents of motel owner Barry Cunningham are/were.

If the subject never comes up, here's my suggestion - he's the son of Richard and Lori Beth Cunningham, as seen in 'Happy Days'.

Imperial Beach, California, is a long way from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, but here's my splainin: After serving his hitch in the Army stationed in Greenland, and after a lifetime of Wisconsin winters, Richie and his wife decided to move to a warmer clime. And so the Cunninghams found themselves either in "IB" or in the surrounding environs where they raised a family, including their troubled son Barry.

As usual with my theories of relateeveety, none of that can be proved. But like Vincent Van Gopher would say, it's pozz'ble; it's pozz'ble.

Toby OB

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