Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Incoming responses: Arrests, colonization and militarization at the border

CounterPunch November 16, 2007
"Today We Experienced America" Arresting Indigenous People on the Border


Dear Miss Norrell:
Mahalo for the article that you've written. It is such an abomination that the US conducts itself with hypocrisy, prejudice, inhumanity, and arrogance. Being insensitive and disrespectful is unconscionable as well as bigoted. This ethnocentric behaviour is just another form of genocide promulgated by their doctrines of manifest destiny, imperialism, and hegemony of the WASP racist culture and society enforced on others who have their own culture, society, and country.

We Hawaii nationals have been fighting against that for well over a hundred years. We are still working toward the deoccupation of the US belligerent occupation within our Hawaiian Kingdom. We know the USA likes to make its own rules and revise their history to "white-wash" themselves (pardon the pun). It is clear that the US makes a mockery of freedom, justice, and the concept of democracy.

I find it strange that these Christians do not live and practice their religious belief and teachings; instead they embrace their base feelings. Isn't it odd that they can forgo their spirituality to feed their materialistic covetousness? Probably, it's their lack of faith and fear that they "gate" themselves to protect themselves from their own demons and treachery.


Response to CounterPunch article:

I don't know if many of you have seen this or not, but if you haven't, read the attached story and I hope that you are a outraged as I am.
My reactionary instincts makes me wish that I could have been there with about 4,000 brothers and sisters. I know who I would have filled their"Cage" with. However, the Creator gave me the gift of intelligence and some kind of strategy has to be in place. What it is, I don't have a clue at this time. This is a matter where we not only have to deal with federal forces,but US Government created Indian puppet tribal councils. The mass media would love to misdirect a story about human rights to one about Indians fighting Indians.
We are living the crazy and dangerous times that our prophecy keepers and Elders have been warning everyone about. We really need to be aware of events such as these and not become numb or complacent about them. Apathy is an addictive and dangerous drug so don't become a victim of it.
Circulate this with your friends and ask them to continue to spread the news. I know some people still regard anyone living south of the imaginary line called a border as "Mexicans", but I see them as spanish speaking Indians. They are Indian people and we need to re-educate people as to who they are.
If anyone hears of future gatherings or conferences let me know about them.Time and money may prohibit me from attending, but if I can, I'd like to attend.
Thanks, Ben

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