Wednesday, July 22, 2009


On "Day One" of 'Torchwood: Children Of Earth', Gwen Cooper was driving from Wales to England, and to get there she had to use the Severn Bridge. When she realized that she was about to cross it, she jokingly told her husband Rhys Williams over the phone that she would soon be lost forever.

'Lost' has had a field day with showing how most of the 815 Survivors had crossed paths with each other in the past. With Toobworld, I'd like to think we could expand that concept so that characters from various series intersect in each others' lives - most of the time without even realizing it. Stealth crossovers!

So why can't we imagine that in one of those cars heading over the Severn Bridge back into Wales, 'Gavin & Stacey' were on their way to Barry in order to see Stacey's Mum? Or maybe they were in the next car over from Gwen, heading into England and back to Essex after a visit.....

As Mushrat would say in many a 'Deputy Dawg' episode, it's pozz'ble, it's pozz'ble.....


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