Thursday, May 27, 2010

#10 G.I., #10..

As one commenter phrased it over on Hot Air, "On top of this since day 28.." Duke shoulda given him the number 10.

The picture at the left is what Obama did in the morning before the press conference. (I refuse to use the word "presser".) Here is how the Politico 44 site had his activities this day:

May 27 – Timeline not available. Oil spill still persists.

0932 EDT - Obama and Biden receive presidential daily briefing.
1038 EDT - Obama welcomes the Duke University NCAA man's basketball champions.
1103 EDT - Obama and Biden take a picture with former POTUS Clinton and U. S. World Cup soccer team.
1128 EDT - Obama has lunch with former POTUS Clinton
1248 EDT - Obama delivers remarks and takes questions from press.
1408 EDT - obama receives briefing on 2010 hurricane forecast.
1513 EDT - Obama hold bilateral meeting with President Sirleaf of Liberia.
1613 EDT - Obama, VPOTUS Biden, and FLOTUS host reception in honor of Jewish American Heritage Month.
1818 EDT - Obama and family depart for Andrews AFB.
1903 EDT - Obama and family depart Andrews AFB for Chicago.
2018 EDT - Obama and family arrive in Chicago.

In his oil spill of a press conference, among other things, he (1) took full responsibility and then turned around and bashed the entire oil industry, (2) admitted he did not know until today that one of his high-ranking staff members resigned (or was fired), and (3) told us this oil spill is on his mind when he wakes up and when he goes to sleep. Well, according to the schedule above, it would seem that except for the press conference when he had to answer those nagging questions about it from the fourth estate, that was about the only time it was on his mind.

Can it be imagined that there was a more tone-deaf, incompetent boob than this guy? Not only does he skip out of town and go to Chicago during this monumental crisis, but he doesn't seem to be returning to Arlington for the Memorial day services. Now, I could be wrong on this, but is he does skip it, it's a pretty serious gaffe.

..oh yeah, Sestak? Well, he'll get back to us on that one.

UPDATE: The thrill tingle has gone:

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