Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mohawk Nation News: Exposing the secret warfare machines of Canada and US

HAUDENOSAUNEE EAGLES KEEP WATCH OVER CANADA'S AERIAL WARFARE: Those Pesky Mohawks are in the Way Again: by Iakoha’ko:wa of Sharbot Lake

By Kahentinetha Horn
Mohawk Nation News
May 20, 2008. The 21st century soldier will be able to kill masses of people without ever looking into their eyes, or hearing their cries or smelling the stench of their dead bodies. They can commit the carnage while sitting comfortably in a place like Trenton Army Base in Ontario. They won't get their legs and hands blown off. They’re priceless because of all the tax money that went into their training in killing people. These kids will have the power of life or death over everyone, including themselves.
We know that we are hardwired to protect each other. How do we stop this war making? Our survival depends on it.
Canada is not under military threat from anyone, except perhaps the U.S. Yet on May 12, 2008 Canada announced a $30 billion 20-year “War Plan” to expand and “warriorize” their military. The previous budget was $9 billion a year. Canada will recruit 11,000 soldiers a year for a total of 100,000 regular troops and reserves. More mega bases and “super-lethalized” weaponry are in the works. Why?
Canada's War Department "is the single largest property holder in the federal government. It has over 21,000 buildings and more than 12,000 roads and utilities on over 800 properties." It costs plenty to maintain them.
Since MNN’s recent report on UAV's and spying from the skies, (It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's a UAV?!) more information has come in about the push by the military-industrial-corporate complex to upgrade the military base at Trenton, Ontario. It’s 20 minutes from the Tyendinaga Mohawk community. Stealing all of Turtle Island's riches from the Indigenous people and setting up controls by a few “war barons” is part of the scheme.
R. Don Maracle, the “Chief” of the colonial government’s control system at Tyendinaga, is friendly with Peter MacKay, Canada's Minister of Defense. They appear in a March 2008 news photo smiling and holding hands as they cut the ribbon at the opening of “Fort Brant” at the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston Ontario. Standing beside them were Tom Lawson and Dan Gosseling, from the college. Their shoes were all well-polished.
The Trenton base is being rebuilt for the JTF2 “Anti Terrorism Unit” that is presently near Ottawa. First they have to “find” the terror. Since Canada is not under threat by anyone, they have to “create” the illusion of a threat in the public’s mind. Moving near Lake Ontario and an international military airport will provide more opportunities for them to play more deadly war games. They are already trying to terrorize us by attacking the Mohawks at Tyendinaga for objecting to their war plans on our territory.
The Mohawks refused to allow more condo development and quarrying on our land. On April 22, 2008, we were attacked by 900 heavily armed goons, beaten, arrested and charged with “mischief”. We are beginning to think this housing was meant for the hundreds of skilled and well-paid workers needed to operate just one Unmanned Aerial Vehicle UAV? The Mohawks have no army or weapons and never provoked a confrontation with anyone. We have been designated as “insurgents” by the military and in many reports by the RCMP, OPP, Global Risk and the corporate media. Why?
Right now a new $2 million police station/holding jail with a helipad on top is being built at Tyendinaga. It looks like we may be attacked and locked up in this new “gulag” just for “selling native cigarettes”, they say. Then our people could be easily transported on “extraordinary rendition” flights to who knows where. Is such a huge jail in the middle of a small Indigenous community and near an air force base supposed to remind us of the oppression of Indigenous peoples that is going on in places like Afghanistan and Palestine? Talk about security! In March, 2008, a passerby found some blueprints for the new Trenton base in the garbage in Ottawa. It caused a brief flurry in the news about classified plans and national security. This is when Canadians first learned about the new mega base and that a bunch of psychopaths have taken over their government!The “Aerospace Warfare Centre” CFAWC was set up at Trenton in 2005 to find new ways to fight wars in the sky. [The air is ours too as the colonists did not bring it here from Europe!] Jim Cottingham is the “head cheese”. He was DND Department of Defense, Director of Operations at the Maritime Air Component in Victoria, British Columbia from 1997 to 1999. On May 5, 2008, “Defense Construction Canada” DCC awarded a $1.7 million contract to “Taskforce Engineering Inc.” of Belleville Ontario. They are to construct a new ATESS Aerospace and Telecommunications Engineering Support Squadron at Trenton. Last year they were paid $2.3 million for another Defense project at Trenton. These war makers now need to field test their complex UAV technology in a "domestic location". If they crash they don’t want their virtual "enemy" to be able to examine them.
Trenton has about 3,000 military personnel and 600 civilian staff. UAV's are used for two main purposes, the small ones for spying and the big ones for shooting bombs. UAV's and ISRUAV's are used for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance ISR by major military powers and by growing numbers of civilian agencies such as the US Customs and Border Patrol.
The Customs and Border Patrol is controlled out of “Riverside, California”, in the heart of Silicon Valley. The US Customs and Border Protection CBP uses 2 big UAV's on the Mexican border, Elbit's Hermes UAV and General Atomics' Predator. Both can carry and launch bombs. In April 2006 it was used to monitor the Sierra Vista border area. It crashed and was replaced in November by two more, costing $10 million annually. One of two bought in 2007 will be used on the Canadian border as a “demo”, based out of Grand Forks, North Dakota. In other words, they’re aiming their missiles northward.Canada, which can no longer afford decent Medicare [now called “mediocre”], bought one Silver Fox mini UAV in 2004 from Tucson based “Advanced Ceramics Research” ACR for $649,000. These are used for spying and killing. Canadian military uses the larger Sperwer UAV in Afghanistan to spy on and kill people. They are now buying Skylarks from Elbit of Israel for their spying operations.
Defense Construction Canada DCC is putting out tenders for military construction projects and contract awards on the internet. (Links provided below) Large contracts for work at Trenton have been made with local Ontario businesses like Colbourne & Kembel Architects of Kingston Ontario; Lafarge Paving & Construction of Belleville Ontario; and Sunrae Construction Ltd. of Glenburnie Ontario. Are these friends of the politicians? None of these deals have been discussed or okayed by the public. The psychos who have taken over the Canadian budget and government wanted to lease some medium sized Predator UAV's under “Project Noctua” from General Atomics. This UAV can carry and shoot “Hellfire Missiles” developed by the CIA and tested over Bosnia in 1993. General Atomics would rather sell them outright to get their money up front. If Canadians found out about it, they’d be pissed and might stop it. In February 2008, General Dynamics Canada agreed to SELL the Predator to the Canadian government! What a con job! ”Teal Group” researches and analyzes the aerospace and defense industry and then sells their wares to executives, government or whoever can pay the price. They predict that starting in 2006, $12.5 billion will be spent on UAV's alone each year. Forecast International has pegged the market at $13.6 billion annually by 2014. Is this going to save the crumbling health care and infrastructure? We doubt it.
Teal predicts that beginning in 2008, the annual US spending on UAV research and development will be $1.2 billion. The purchase of new UAV's each year will cost about $450 million.
IAI Israel Aerospace Industries makes the biggest and smallest UAV's. UAV's can apparently shape shift, making themselves look like Coke cans! Watch out for Coke cans hanging around the hydro lines trying to juice up. The IAI “Mosquito” is a Micro UAV equipped with a video camera. It is hand launched and used for urban surveillance. The quiet, electrically powered “Bird Eye 400” system is made up of 3 UAV's that work together, flying like birds of one feather. IAI's global sales in 2006 topped $2.8 billion. In an article at, "Shlomo Tsach, director of advanced programmes at IAI said that in the coming years the focus will be on shorter take-offs, lower operating costs and greater use of solar power and fuel cells. This means smaller “better” UAVs with 0.4 oz. cameras. UAVs are being geared to take over all aircraft missions in the coming decades. What’s this “North American Union” that needs to monitor these borders and track people's every movement about? They know there is real border, the Indigenous one. These colonial unnatural borders cut through many of our Indigenous communities. UAV's are being used to harass and intimidate innocent people in our homes and communities all over the world.Shouldn’t the Canadian people demand that the Auditor General, Sheila Fraser, and their politicians conduct a full investigation of military spending, particularly those that have not been discussed and approved in open Parliamentary discussion? If these “sickos” really want the thrill of war, why don’t they just sit on their joy sticks and wiggle them a bit! We suggest that a better use of research funds is to develop simulated war thrills for these “psychos” so they can get their jollies at home without creating a danger for the rest of us.
Posted by MNN
SOURCES-DND Search engine of Don Maracle and Peter MacKay,-Defence Construction Canada, a Crown Corporation, handles all DND construction. Contact Assistant Deputy Minister/Infrastructure and Environment, Scott Stevenson; DCC Contract Awards Public Works who purchase UAV's for Canada's to use in Afghanistan and elsewhere: Sinkinson, John Telephone No. - (613) 943-3492 Fax No. (613) 944-7870Nurul Haque Telephone No. - (819) 956-0161 Fax No. - (819) 956-0549-About UAV's: INDUSTRY CORPORATIONS:-Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) Atomics' Aeronautical Systems Engineering Peter Kempenaar Sales/Estimating (613)966-5600 ext. 101, David Brown Engineering/Construction ext.102-Thales Group Dynamics Canada 3785 Richmond Rd Ottawa, Ontario K2H 5B7 Canada Tel.: +1 613 596-7000 Fax: +1 613 596-7396-Advanced Ceramics Research (ACR) 3292 East Hemisphere Loop Tucson, AZ, 85706-5013Tel: (520)573-6300 Fax: (520)573-2057 info@acrtucson.com Privately owned, specializing in advanced materials and small UAVs. Founded 1989. HQ Tucson. Facilities in the Washington D.C. Installations on Tohono O’odham Reservation in Tucson. 80 employees. Aerospace, automotive and defense programs. 3 UAV platforms and support capabilities for military and scientific research. Contact: Woody Berzins (C) 703-371-8081; (O) 520-573-6300 -Teal Group Corporation 3900 University Drive Suite 220 Fairfax, VA 22030 Toll Free: (888) 994-TEAL (8325) Tel: (703) 385-1992 Fax: (703) 691-9591
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