Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Unimportant Facts About Moi

Kate sent me this meme, actually one of the harder ones I've done. It was rather tough to come up with facts about myself that weren't overly boring, very embarrassing, or begged a ton of explanation. But here goes . . .

1. Link back to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share 6 unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag 4 people at the end of your entry.

1. I am a distant relative of the famous newscaster Walter Cronkite. He is 92 years old now, and from what I've read his mother lived to be 101.

2. I was voted Most Artistic by my senior high school class.

3. I have been wearing the same shade of WetnWild lip liner and lipstick for the past 15 years. And none the poorer because of it! It used to cost 99cents and now it's $1.99, and still the best out there.

4. I grew up with an Old English Sheepdog named Shawn. Then after college my boyfriend at the time bought me an OES puppy whom I named Wyeth. And now I have dear, sweet Gideon.

5. I never walk around in my house barefoot. I always have to wear my socks and/or slippers. The idea of bare feet on carpet nauseates me. Harleigh does it, but I'd rather her wear socks or slippers. Weird or what?

6. My favorite music in the whole world is Christmas music. I start playing it November 1 and it pretty much plays all day, 7 days a week, right up through Christmas Day.

Now, I tag Laura, Devon (your list could all be unimportant slight obsessions), Ali, and Cammy.

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