Monday, October 27, 2008

Mohawks: Canadian court recognizes Kahnawake and Akwesasne are not part of Canada


Mohawk Nation News
Photo: Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, objecting to the border wall and arrests of Indigenous Peoples, on the southern border on Tohono O'odham land in 2007. Photo/Indigenous Peoples Border Summit of the Americas.

October 26, 2008. A top dog at the Federal Court of Canada, Prothonotary Madame Mireille Tabib agrees with us. She recognizes that Akwesasne and Kahnawake are not part of Canada.

Finally!! This is what we’ve been saying all along!! Since 1783 when Britain illegally agreed with the U.S. rebels to divide up our land without our knowledge or consent.

Katenies is a resident of Akwesasne. Kahentinetha is a resident of Kahnawake. Madam Tabib’s October 23, 2008 Order in Kahentinetha and Katenies versus the Queen, Docket T- 1309-08, found that neither of these two women are “residents in Canada”.

But she’s not our friend. She did this because she wants to erect a barrier to justice. She ordered them to put up $6,500 to pay the legal expenses of the Crown before the Federal Court will even look at evidence of the assaults and attempted murder carried out by the Canadian Border Services Agency CBSA goons at the Cornwall Ontario Border on June 14, 2008.

Have you ever heard of such a thing? Since when did victims have to pay the state to prosecute criminals? How is this protection? After all, Canada does claim that the Queen sent them over here to protect us. This makes it clear who we need protection from - them!!!

Madam Tabib’s Order proves that the issue of the 500 missing Indigenous women [3,000 plus really!] is no accident. The Canadian state is out to ‘git’ Indigenous women!

This explains another mystery. Even though Madam Tabib has now recognized that Akwesasne and Kahnawake are not part of Canada, CBSA agents are still threatening Akwesasne residents, particularly young women.

This is serious.

We want them to get their steroid laden jackasses off our land real quick. We’re sick and tired of their child abuse and their death-squad mentality.
Halloween would be a suitable time for them to clear out. They’ll fit in perfectly with the vampires, monsters and ghouls that night!

Canadians do not all support this institutionalized evil.

The Canadian Human Rights Commission CHRC is on our side. Two years ago a young Akwesasne mother filed a complaint after she was racially and sexually harassed and forced to submit to several shots of the VACIS x-ray machine intended for use on commercial transport vehicles. As a result she had to abort her unborn child and her family has suffered untold stress and grief.

Canada acts slowly, but when the CHRC report [file number 20061366] finally came in on October 1st 2008, it found that an inquiry is needed. In its words, there was “a complete lack of core values like cooperation, respect, integrity and professionalism towards the complainant because of her race”.

The CHRC report hasn’t had any effect on the conduct of the CBSA brutes who are accustomed to running rough shod over international accords that Canada has signed, like the “International Convention on Civil and Political Rights”, the “International Convention on the Rights of the Child” and even the “International Convention Against Torture” and other degrading and inhuman treatment. They haven’t heard of Madam Tabib’s finding that Akwesasne isn’t part of Canada either. Those cruel goons are still there, using their razor-in-the-apple-type Halloween dirty tricks.

The aggrieved young mother is still being harassed while she prepares her response to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. On Saturday, October 25th, on her way home from visiting relatives, she was pulled out of the “Indian lane” at the Cornwall border checkpoint which is a few yards from her home.

The CBSA told her to get out of her vehicle and leave her sleeping infant unattended so they could do what they called a “routine check”. When she refused, they said “What? Don’t you trust us to look after your baby?”

Why should she? As both she and the CBSA know, abuse is common. Canadian police and the CBSA refuse to investigate complaints filed with them by the Mohawks. Hundreds have been registered with the Mohawk Band Council of Akwesasne. Those guards know full well that this young woman wants the border removed and criminal charges filed against them.

Would you trust these cannibals to baby-sit your child?

When the young mother challenged these sadists to show her what law allows them to force her to leave her infant unattended in the car, they ordered her to wake up her baby.

She refused. After a big rigamorole, they finally let her go home. She was so shaken that her 8 year old daughter said, “They bothered you at the border again, didn’t they, Mom?” So the family still lives in a climate of fear, despite the support of the Canadian Human Rights Commission.

Madam Tabib’s reasoning is pretty illogical too. Even though she recognized that Akwesasne and Kahnawake are not part of Canada, she still thinks the “imaginary line” drawn through our community is a valid excuse for human rights abuses, gangsterism and theft by CBSA agents.

Madam Tabib seems to think that the Crown can say we are not part of Canada for the part of the Federal Court Act that lets them make Orders for Costs against “non-residents” of Canada but claim us as part of Canada for other parts of the Act. She’s playing the “heads I win, tails you lose” game. The Halloween blood suckers came out early this year!!

MNN Staff – Mohawk Nation News

Note: These challenges of CBSA abuses at the border require support and money. Your financial help is needed and appreciated. Please send your donations to PayPal at, or by check or money order to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen thank you very much.

Some of the ‘borderline’ culprits involved: Prothonotary Mireille Tabib, 284 Wellington TSA-6032, Ottawa ON Canada K1A 0H8 613-992-4238 Fax 613-952-3653; Phil Fontaine of the AFN is a partner in CBSA’s Sustainable Development Strategy 2007-9; Chris Kealey, Canada Customs Excise, Immigration Taxation Board, CBSA Media Relations 613-991-5197; President CBSA 613-952-3200, 613-957-0612,; National Aboriginal Initiative CHRC 204-983-2189 1-866-772-4880; Canada Customs Port of Entry at Cornwall Island Ontario; Gaetan Cousineau, Quebec Human Rights; Akwesasne Mohawk Police 613-575-2250 ex 2400; Mohawk Security at the border 613-932-5183, 613-575-2340; Lance Markel, District Director CBSA 613-930-3234, 613-991-1214; Brent Lafave, Investigator CBSA; Susan St. Clair, Canadian Human Rights Commission, 344 Slater, Ottawa 613-995-1151, 1-888-214-1090, 613-943-5188; CBSA National Spokesperson 613-957-6500; Quebec Media Relations CBSA 514-350-6130; Chief Mohawk Council Akwesasne 613-575-2250; Minister Stockwell Day, Ottawa 613-995-4432; Melissa Leclair Communications Pub. Safety 613-991-2863.

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