Saturday, January 24, 2009

Bringing Smug To The People

It wasn't that long ago that douchiness in cycling was contained to a few small groups.
First of all, there are the actual "Pros". These guys are coddled prima donnas living the rockstar lifestyle....but they deserve it. In order to be at the elite level, you have to eat like an anorexic supermodel and train year round as if your life depends on it. I'm cool with a little European snobbery every now and then.
Secondly, we have the triathletes. With their inappropriately short bibs, single purpose bikes, over developed abs, and disdain for drafting...they're just weird. Most are reluctant to engage with you if you run across one, but it always feels good to pick one off.

Finally, the most consistent source of my disdain...the weekend warrior on a pro level ride. These guys come out once a week, usually in groups of three or four, wearing their corporate kits, not riding very fast, and talking like they're on a recovery ride from a double century the day before.

This brings me to my point...
The Powertap hub is starting to become fairly common among serious cyclists. And by common, I mean one large just for the hub and computer. Now anyone rockin' a PT has the potential to up his or her D.Q. (Douche Quotient)

There are virtually limitless "zones" in which one can be training, and the excuses for bad performance are endless. You can actually say things like, "I'm not supposed to exceed 300 watts today." Then you get to go home and keep track of it all using fun, colorful, graphs.

Disclaimer...This does not include Shady Brady and Alp d'Huez Mike.

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