Monday, October 25, 2010


I've already passed this info on to Win Scott Eckert, the curator of the Wold Newton Universe website. Whether or not he chooses to use it will be up to him, he knows best what works and what could be a conflict over there. But Toobworld Central doesn't see any Zonk in using this....

In 1920, Supervisor Elliott of the Internal Revenue Service came to Atlantic City to check on the progress of Agent Nelson Van Alden and his team in stemming the supply of liquor to the area. But when he found out that Van Alden was more obsessed with the widow of Hans Schroeder, he complained, "You're a Federal Agent, Nelson, not Bulldog Drummond!"

This occurred in the latest episode of 'Boardwalk Empire', "Family Limitations".

There was no reference to the legendary Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond as a fictional character. So we can read Elliott's statement as treating Drummond as a "real" figure within Toobworld. At least in this specific fictional universe, there isn't much room for a Zonk. Bulldog Drummond made only one appearance on television - in an episode of the anthology series 'Rheingold Theatre', which was also known as 'Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Presents'. The broadcast of "Bulldog Drummond And The Ludlow Affair" was probably contemporary to when it actually took place, so it was about thirty-five years after the events of the first season of 'Boardwalk Empire'.

Drummond would have been in his twenties, but his reputation was apparently already established.

All pretty reasonable to this televisiologist.

[Robert Beatty played Bulldog Drummond in that TV episode, but the picture of him above is from a movie released about a decade earlier.]


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