Saturday, January 29, 2011

Comments about The Social Network

The Film, "The Social Network" is about Mark ZuckerBurg. He is an undergrad at the University of Harvard and a genius at computer programming. One angry day, Mark sat down and started working on "Facebook" siting in his dorm room at Harvard. Mark Zuckerberg is the youngest Billionaire in history and is the CEO of "Facebook".

The Napster creator, Sean Parker, stated: "The part of the movie that frustrated me is actually the scene at the end where the character played by Justin Timberlake- who happens to have my name-basically writes a check to Eduardo- I consider Eduardo a friend of mine, and I'm one of the few people at Facebook who still interacts with Eduardo- and throws it in his face and has security escort him out of the building. and I mean, that's just rude. This guy in the movie is a morally reprehensible human being." Sean Parker also stated that the movie is a work of fiction.

Scott Deters

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