Monday, April 21, 2008


It pains me to write that a friend of ours passed away this weekend. I didn't want to believe and sure enough, you can google just about anything. He died in a motorcycle accident this Saturday night in American Canyon. He was young, changing his life and just reached out to my husband a couple weeks ago that he was thinking and reflecting that D was always supportive and cool and that he was changing his life for the better and that we should come for a visit soon. D promised to keep tabs on him and arrange a time for us to visit and two weeks later he is gone.
It especially bother me that he was young(31) and although his life wasn't the easiest he was at a place where he was making changes and reaching out to various people as we are coming to find out he made a lot of calls in the past few weeks/months similar to the one we received. Somehow I like to think that in his soul something was compelling him to reach out and call and make connections with everyone. Sometimes I think he must have bargained for more time and was given enough time to make things right before his time was up. I don't know what to make of it except that this life is all orchestrated for us and we are here to follow its path making good decisions along the way, learning a thing or two about heartache, love, pain, and joy. Most importantly, collect what I call "soul credit". Good Karma that you will carry on in the next life whatever it may be.

I went to the Kanye West concert this Saturday and it was the best show I have ever seen. Especially touching was the story unfolding that he told throughout the concert. He got to the part where his he sings about his mom and when its over the voice( you have to watch the concert to know what I'm talking about) tells him that all is not lost. He cannot give up. The darkness can't swallow him up. The world needs him and that he is strong enough to get thru the darkness. He is so strong in fact that he can glow in the dark. Until then I thought that it was some stupid tour called the glow in the dark tour but for me at that moment, I thought to myself, it's deeper than that. It is not a trivial name but a real concept. You have got to be strong enough to get through the darkness and not only get thru it but to come out like a light- glowing, stronger.

Anyhow, it touched me and then the next day we received this news and it was all a bit much for me and I have been trying to deal with my thoughts and questions, so thanks for reading. It helped to write it.

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