Sunday, December 26, 2010

Blog Year In Review

With a candy cane dangling from mouth I was trying to think what topic I wanted to write about in today's blog when I realized I should take you on a trip down memory blog lane and share with you a bit about how some of my more popular blogs happened.So without further ado, here are my personal favorite 5 blogs from 2010 and what inspired me to write them. You can click on the title of each respective blog to take you to it so you can read the full blog.                    Eggnog: The Rocky Effect

I received a lot of emails about this blog.  Possibly more than any of my other blogs. Most of the emails saying that it was very inspirational to them. That's not a huge surprise to me because as I say in the blog I love Rocky and it is a huge inspiration to me as well.
This blog was a once in a lifetime moment where I think I was actually peeing my pants as I was writing the blog. I have a voice for all of my dogs and they actually "call" my Mom from time to time. I had just hung up from Punkin calling my mom and I thought, well if Punkin can call my mom maybe she can hijack my blog as well. This was by far the most popular blog I wrote in 2010
The title just sums up this blog. Many nights when I prepare to write the blog I sit down and have absolutely no idea what I am going to write about. No shocker there, huh? I just always trust that God will inspire me. So this blog was just acknowledging the times in my life I feel God is looking down upon me.
Saturday Morning Cartoons
aka: "Ava Wants A Record Deal"
Doing the saturday morning cartoons started by accident.  I had stumbled upon the website where people were making videos and I thought it might be fun. I made a really short one and sent it to Mr. Bricks saying, "I want a Record Deal." He encouraged me to expand on that idea. Growing up I loved watching cartoons every saturday morning. Making the cartoon is fun for me because it's not really me, it's a cartoon character of me. The character is a total diva and I'm so not like that. Really, I'm not! Since I started doing these every saturday morning they have kinda caught on with my fans. I'm glad you enjoy them.
This will always be a very special blog posting for me because it was my very first one ever on September 30, 2010. One day I was talking with my manager Mr. Bricks about something and explaining how muckery sort of followed me in my life. He always laughed at my daily episodes and suggested that others might enjoy hearing about them as well. So Mr. Bricks suggested I start a blog called Ava Aston's Muckery... and the rest, as they say, is history.

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