Thursday, December 23, 2010

When in Doubt, Give them Cash

If you're not sure what to get that special someone for Christmas, the best fallback gift of the ages is and always has been money (and socks, but those are just disappointing). A good $100 will brighten anyone's Christmas, even if they end up feeling like you don't care enough about them to think about a real gift. Doesn't it seem like the best route? Forget about whatever they asked you for months ago (odds are, you already forgot anyway). Just give them money. Even a crisp (or even wrinkly, it's not like it matters) $20 bill will get you by with a sibling. So forget about Christmas shopping this year! Make a trip to the bank and call it a day! You'll never need to waste money on sentimental items (that you know they'll throw away) again!

(IMPORTANT NOTE: Don't do this. Please. You'll get hit in the face, or worse. It's not really a good idea, no matter how good it sounds.)
Happy (not)Christmas-shopping!

Leah Sloan

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