Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Censored News, readers respond

Thanks to all of you for your comments. Since the article on censorship and hush words was published in the UN OBSERVER & International Report, CounterPunch and the Narcosphere, the comments are pouring in. The following comments are published with permission:

Support from Italy: Opposing Canadian border guards attack on Mohawk grandmothers and publishers

This letter expresses support from Italy, through the italian Blog "Nativi", after the violent and unjustified attack of June 14, 2008 by the guards directed by Canada Border Security Agency against grandmothers Mohawk, Kahentinetha Horn and Katenies (alias Janet Davis).The colonial border crosses the center of the Mohawk territory, this people is not American or Canadian, but are "Kanion'ke", this Native People have always crossed freely this land, The treaties and international law confirm that right.The complaint to the United Nations sent to 'Office of High Commission for Human Rights and to Permanent Forum on Indigenous Peoples of United Nation warns that many lives of these peoples' lives are in danger. " In particular young people, women with children and the elderly, especially if these people are known because speak in favor of their rights, including genocide of PEOPLES OF FIRST NATIONS IN CANADA, including genocide in the mines of uranium, murder of innocent children in residential schools, the kidnapping and rape of indigenous peoples and the excavation of land (for housing, industrial development of NAFTA) where there are the tombs of ancestors.These women were violently attacked by causing one of them a heart attack, suffer intimidation by blocking access to the internet, telephone and electronic mail.The other woman, Katenies, was attacked and was kept in isolation in prison for three days. There is the probability that they are trying to kill them. This attempt seems by the public security of Canada, by police and security officers and all agencies of the Government of Canada.In 2003 Katenies was falsely accused of crossing the border. His question is:"What authorities and what jurisdiction you have on me and my land?" But the judge refuses to answer. This People have the right to ask that there is an answer to this question. In 2006 a complaint was filed with the Canadian Commission for Human Rights, without any reply.Canada Government has defined these people as "terrorists", "rebels" and as a "global risk". But this people have no army or weapons. In fact, are a peaceful people who want to live with their families. The International Relations between Canada and these people are seriously in crisis.. There is an urgent and desperate need to initiate an investigation by an independent and neutral court. The courts of Canada are not neutral. We ask your immediate intervention. These people are in danger of life. Please help these people so that nobody is killed or threatened.Respectfully,
Giuseppe Fappiano Cerretyo Sannita (Benevento) - Italy supporters of Italian Blog "Nativi",

On Censorship, from a dog soldier
hello brenda from italy.
i am an enrolled southern cheyenne living in europe, a prof, who cannot work in my own homeland .. i want to applaud your efforts on behalf of our people ... as a dog soldier headman i couldn't agree more with your work ... thank you .... lance henson
Bio in Native Wiki:

Censorship of Leonard Peltier
Great article!!! I have been a Peltier supporter for many years and have found that far too often it's a bit like pounding my head against a wall. Far too many people just simply do not give a damn about him, his farce of a trial, and his 30+ years of illegal and immoral incarceration. It is blatantly obvious that many people have been paid off and/or threatened by the feds if they were to disclose the truth. For the government to withhold thousands of pages of information regarding Leonard under the guise of "national security" is absolutely insane!!! Too many souls have been sold ... too many asses have been covered. I have written my congressmen, senators, etc. many times asking them to look into the case of Leonard Peltier, but have yet to even garner a response from any of them. I enjoy your writing and check out your Censored sight frequently. Keep up the good work!!!
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
Dave Murray
North Mankato, MN

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