Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mohawk Nation News: Canada under Mohawk Microscope


by Iako’ha’kowa and MNN Staff
Mohawk Nation News
July 16, 2008. Canada’s military build-up is meant to try to attack “people of color” world wide, steal our resources and eliminate our population. There is a big recruitment campaign for Indigenous youth going on. They want 20% of the armed forces to be native. That way it will look like we approve their actions. No money to heal or educate or pay the debt to Indigenous people. But plenty of money to kill!The U.S. inspired "Canada First Defence Strategy" (CFDS) is basically a capitalist economic plan. No thought has been given to sustainable development. The "Strategy" is an aggressive profit-driven scheme designed to benefit career soldiers and industry.
It was posted online on June 19 2008 with color photos of “Generalissimo" Stephen Harper and Peter “Fancies-himself-to-be-Idi Amin” MacKay. US military sites like “DefenseIndustryDaily” expresses skepticism about Canada's stability and its ability to follow through.
"A Military in Partnership with Canadian Industry". Harper says the military will be "Supported by predictable, long-term funding...” [i.e. tax and resource exploitation] so there will be unprecedented opportunities for international industry. It will be a bigger ”cash cow” than World War II. They are trying to impress their foreign investors and the subsidized corporations who will build war hardware instead of what we really need, housing, schools, hospitals and environmental detoxification programs.Pete lists the 3 roles of the military, “.. at home... in the defence of North America, and to project leadership abroad", which means "attack anyone anywhere if they get in the way”.
Their six core missions are: 1."Conduct daily domestic and continental operations, especially the Arctic? [are we under attack from endangered species like the polar bears and beluga whales?]; 2.Support the 2010 Olympics; 3.Respond to a major terrorist attack; 4.Support civilian authorities in Canada; 5.Lead international operations; and 6.respond to crises".
The “whole-of-government approach” is to meet domestic and international security requirements. This could mean totalitarianism.
Resources will be extracted without interference from the Indigenous owners. Since commodity manufacturing is saturated and the capitalists have created scarcity, plenty of money will be made in war materials and reconstruction by the military and industrial sectors using cheap labor.
CANADA IS BUDGETING $490 BILLION ON DEFENSE FOR THE NEXT 20 YEARS. That’s a rise of 2 percent starting in 2011, from approximately $18 billion in 2008 to over $30 billion in 2027.
The Government plans to "Increase the number of military personnel to 70,000 Regular Forces and 30,000 Reserve Forces". Programs like “Bold Eagle” are targeting Native youth, especially in the North to exploit the Indigenous knowledge of the land and destroy Indigenous sovereignty at the same time.
Canada is concerned about controlling sovereignty in the Indigenous owned Arctic. “Changing weather patterns are destroying the environment making sea traffic through the Northwest Passage accessible to shipping, tourism and resource exploration”. They aren't too worried about the extinction of the polar bears or the displacement of the Indigenous people.
Their domestic security is based on “fear” of “foreign encroachments” on “Canada’s” [Indigenous] natural resources."The Forces must assist other government departments in addressing such security concerns as over-fishing, organized crime, drug- and people-smuggling and environmental degradation." This sounds like militarized policing that is targeting ordinary people and particularly Indigenous.The military will be at the 2010 Olympics where Indigenous are opposed to development which is raping and contaminating our land in British Columbia.Trenton near the Mohawk community of Tyendinaga is Canada’s largest air force base where a NATO Forward Operating Base FOB is planned. Globemasters will be able to fly soldiers and equipment to war zones anywhere in the world.
Canada wants credibility with the U.S. Pentagon by working under them. Canada will go to war alongside "like minded" allies with or without UN approval, just like the US went to war on Iraq. Canada and the US have worked together since 1958 when they formed NORAD, not long after the St. Lawrence Seaway blasted away our riverside for the benefit of industries that polluted the environment. Wild animals are now registered as toxic waste. Since then they work together on “Canada Command” and the “US Northern Command”."Contributing to International Peace and Security and “stability abroad" means free, unfettered access to other people's territory and resources.The compliant media tell us that Canadian soldiers are building schools and hospitals in Afghanistan. In fact they are guarding the hundreds of mining developments like Aynak Copper Mine just a few kilometres from Kabul. This mine was bought by the Chinese Metallurgical Corporation MCC for more than $3 billion U.S. Afghanistan has gold, iron, uranium, and copper, hydrocarbons like coal and the rare element, tantalum. Kahensatake has a huge deposit of niobium, often found with tantalum.
Where will the “increased, predictable” "New Long-Term Funding” come from? Presumably, it will be the loot from Afghanistan and elsewhere.”Failed and failing states, civil wars and global terrorism" are being created so the military planners can describe the world as “volatile and unpredictable”."Nuclear-capable adversarial states headed by unpredictable regimes are particularly worrisome" [especially the U.S.] "The pernicious influence of Islamist militants in key regions" is the scapegoat for their military buildup and to give Israelis an excuse to go into Iran."Full range of challenges" sounds like putting down possible Indigenous and grassroots resistance to their insanity. Taxpayers contribute 10% of their income tax to the military. The Canada Pension Plan CPP and Ontario Secondary School Teachers Pension are invested in the military industry through the Carlyle Group, which just bought Bell.
With this money the government is buying four C-17 Globemaster strategic lift aircraft,17 new C-130J Hercules tactical lift aircraft, 16 CH-47F Chinook helicopters, three replenishment ships, 2,300 trucks, up to 100 Leopard 2 tanks and 6–8 Arctic/offshore patrol ships." The US has dozens of the Globemasters to carry all their war people and equipment to the war zone. They can be stuffed with piles of bombs. 12% or $60 billion will buy other big toys like 65 new Fighter planes, search & rescue planes, UAV's, weapons, bombs, communications equipment, radar and satellites.'Advantage Canada', will establish an elite military society based in the northern part of Turtle Island. $250 billion will go to 100,000 personnel by 2028. They want highly skilled needy individuals like the laid off factory workers from the car plants and those coming in from induced famines. They want to fast track immigration too."National Defence is the largest property holder in the federal government which is all on unsurrendered Indigenous territory. 21,000 buildings over 50 years old and crumbling, 13,500 works including 5,500 kilometres of roads, jetties, training areas, etc. and 800 parcels of land covering 2.25 million hectares will be replaced or replenished over the next 10 to 20 years.
housing. $140 billion for "readiness" training. That's $7 billion per year! This does NOT include any costs for a new major war. That requires NEW spending.
The "Strategic Investment Plan" will coordinate all the military spending. Military industries like Boeing, Northrop Grumman and GM are lined up at DRDC for big research and development checks to spruce up Canada’s "global excellence". [See CADSI web site].
The Canadian war makers are bringing corporate giants into the War Department to help them impose their plans. They will get big tax breaks and corporate welfare. Universities can grab funding too to work on military projects. Might is not right! Land and resource ownership is Indigenous and will always be. Canada is turning into a war economy when there’s no war. Are they making one on Indigenous nations to continue stealing our possessions?
Iakoha'ko:waSharbot Lake, Haudenosaunee Territory<> Your donation to the legal defence fund for Kahentinetha and Katenies would be greatly appreciated. Donate through PayPal at, or to: “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen/thank you.
Notes and Sources (Defence Research and Development Canada) OF DEATH AT CADSI NATIVE YOUTH SEARCH TERMS Policy on Investment Planning, Advantage Canada, Strategic Investment Plan
See Category: “ CANADA “

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